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3rd Person POV
Everything had been going fine for the past year. Arabella looks like she is ten now and is being sent of to Hogwarts. The twins, Lilibeth and James look like they're seven or eight. The Cullen and Whitlock coven have moved back to America. The triplets look like they are three. Jack looks around the age between Ara and the twins. Renesmee and Jacob had their second child. She was named Jasmine. Today something bad happened.
Melody POV
Renesmee and I were just talking and then she brought Jacob up but I said something in British slang but she didn't get it and got mad. She pulled me out of the house and started slapping me. She hit me once and was going for a second when I caught her arm. “One is enough, besides you don't even understand British slang! " I said knocking her arm out of my faces reach. “You know what, you're such a bitch!" She said punching me in the nose. My nose began to bleed and she pushed me and cornered me so I pushed her away but she tripped on her feet and fell hitting her head on a rock. That was when everyone rushed out. What did you do to my baby, bitch?! "Uncle Edward said “ She began hitting me and then pushed me to the wall so I pushed her back and she tripped over falling on the rock." “ I know this isn't true. She is much better than you. You're just a bitch who was a mistake!" Aunt Bella screamed. That hit home and they started to realize what they just said and tried apologizing but I was already dashing away. I grabbed the phone and called mom
Melody Alice
Mum can you and dad come with me and my family to move to Australia. I just want to get away from Edward, Bella and there so called perfect daughter.
Okay, so when are you guys planning to leaving.
Next week so start packing already and thanks a lot mum. Love you
Anything for you bubbles.
I started packing as those exact words Bella said to me kept replaying in my head, You're just a bitch who was a mistake. I started packing almost everything and my parents brought there stuff over aswell. The next week came and I said goodbye to everyone except for Edward, Bella and Renesmee with her family. I told everyone not to tell them and I protected their thoughts. We were going to Australia. “ I've missed you so much Emma " I said hugging her she was the one who would be showing us where our house was. Everyone introduced each of themselves and then my brother, Jon introduced himself but he had a lust of love in his eyes and so did Emma. “Congrats guys! I'm so happy for you guys." I exclaimed as I realized that my brother and friend were mates who just found each other. Our house was nice, big and open. A new start, chapter, family and friends.

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