A Car Accident and Amnesia

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Aaaghh! I hate Renesmee Cullen, why does she have to be my sister. I was crossing the intersection when BOOM!

Melody POV
My head hit the steering wheel so hard I felt blood trickling down my forehead to my cheek. Shard of glass were stuck in my ribs and face and I was covered in thick red blood. I could see smoke and was panicking and next thing you know I blacked out. “No sign of consciousness, BP 110 over 75! No sign of internal bleeding. Five ribs fractured, a broken wrist and cuts all over her ribs and face with shards of glass." I heard someone say trying to open my eyes. I blinked and looked around seeing two nurses and two doctors standing around me. I was in a hospital. “ Sir the patient has regained consciousness." I heard one nurse say, sounds like a lady. “Hello, Miss, can you tell us your name and if you have any family members or relatives around here. " “ I don't know." I said. “ I heard the doctors murmur “ Poor lady. That hit to her head must of made her go into amnesia. She doesn't remember anyone from her family or a relative." “Excuse me, why am I here?"“ You just got into a car accident. Are you sure you don't remember anything or anyone. " “ Well I do remember one person, her names Arabella, she is my first daughter." “ Great do you remember your last name? "“ Williams, no. Weas, no. Willow, no. Sorry ma'am I don't but the first letter is a W."“ That's okay ma'am. Why don't you get some rest while we try to contact or find your family. " “ okay ma'am. Thank you for your hospitality." The nurse nodded and went out of my ER section closing the curtain behind her as she went on .
“Hello is this Mrs Jasper Whitlock? "“Yes this is she speaking, how may I help you?" “This is nurse Jael Shaddegg from the Saint Mary's hospital. Do you know an Arabella who has a last name starting with a W? " “ No why?" “There is this girl who has platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and a ruddy appearance. She said her last name started with a W and that she has a daughter named Arabella. "“ Nurse Jael I'm on my way. She is my daughter. Her name is Melody Whitlock. Thank you very much."
“Jasper!" “ What is it? "“ It's Mel. She was in a car accident and she was brought to the Saint Mary's hospital." “Let's go then! " Jasper said.(Everybody else went hunting and all the babies were asleep and had their nanny's if they woke up.) We drove as fast as we could and twenty minutes later we were talking to the receptionist. “Im here for Melody Whitlock." The nurse said “ She is in room 203 on the second floor" “ Thank you " Jasper said. We rushed to her room and there we saw our baby girl laying on the hospital bed sleeping peacefully but with bandages around her body. “ Ohh baby." Ma'am are you Mrs Whitlock?" “ Yes" “ So your daughter has cuts all over her ribs and face, five fractured ribs, a broken wrist and she hit her head hard and we are suspecting she has amnesia. She is in a stable condition and we will come back with lab results tomorrow. I'm nurse Jael Shcaddegg by the way and this is Doctor Bartschi. " We nodded as a sign of gratitude as they left the room.
I woke up to someone holding my hand. “Who are you?" “ Mel we're your parents, please try to remember us." I then remembered the man calling me princess and lifting me up and the lady was holding another baby in her arms. I suddenly remembered and hugged the both of them “ You guys are my parents who called me princess right. " “ That's right kid." My dad said. Two days later I was discharged and my parents brought me home. They explained others were out hunting so. They placed me on my bed and gave me some warm corn and chicken soup. They talked to me a little but I fell asleep in the midst of it because I was tired and my body needs the rest. I woke up a little later and saw the sun was setting and I asked for my mom “ Yes sweetie? " “ Could you please bring me out to see the setting sun?" “Sure honey. Jasper!"“ Yes" Can you carry Mel down and I will get a blanket and some pillows." “ Yes ma'am " My dad carried me down the stairs as I rested my head on his chest. I always felt comfortable and safe in his arms. My mom sped down and set a picnic blanket out with a few pillows. We sat there in awe of the sunset and then I heard footsteps and laughing. I just curled up in my parents arms even more and hugged them.
Emmett POV
“Awe! Look at that. Let's go and join them." I said. They said they want to watch instead so I went out by myself.  “ Can I j—?" I was cut off by me gasping. “What happened to my little angel? " “ I got into a car crash, Sir. And who might you be." I'm your goofy uncle Emmett silly. " “ Emmett she only remembers us, she has amnesia. Just give her sometime and she might remember." “ What! I'll be patient." I sighed.
3rd Person POV
They returned after the sun fully set and Emmett came in pushing Mel on her wheelchair. They quietly went upstairs and laid her on her bed carefully placing a kiss on her head and exiting.
Jasper POV
I was very worried about my baby girl, my princess. We went to the family room where everyone else was and they were talking about their hunt and who won. “Hey guys, Alice and I need to talk to you guys about Mel." What is it?" Dad asked. “ It's my baby girl Melody. " “Why what happened?" Kate asked. “She got into a car crash and the outcomes are that she has five fractured ribs, a broken wrist, cuts all over her ribs and face. The most devastating outcome is that she has a serious condition of amnesia." “I told you we shouldn't have done that prank. That must've been why she crashed because she was crying." My sons Blake and Jonathan got up and pinned Renesmee and Anthony to the wall but nobody stopped them. “Why did you do this to her. She's your own flesh and blood sister. " Blake exclaimed. “ How dare you have the audacity to do this. She is your wife and you would do that to your her. My sister deserves the best. Every night she would come crying to me for something that happened to the both of us many years ago and she became so happy when she met you. What is wrong with you! " “ And you, I'm ashamed to know you! Especially since you are my own sister!"
Jonathan POV
I punched Anthony across the face because of my anger and slapped Renesmee across the face. I saw blood gush out of their mouths and Renesmee cried. That was when Jacob came towards me “ Why'd you have to hit Renesmee? " “ Stay out of our family problem mutt! Because of what your dim-witted wife did my sister has lost memory of me, her family our family. Everything was fine before you guys came to London. " I said sternly. “ Renesmee when we are pulling pranks on each other, we never include the people we are in a relationship with especially when it is our mates because we know it can lead to horrible consequences." Blake exclaimed.
Melody POV
I heard screaming so I got into my wheelchair using a little super strength. I saw these two men screaming. “Mom, dad, why are these two men screaming?" I questioned. A guy with a bloody mouth rushed up the stairs towards me. “Melody. " He asked. “Sir are you okay? Your mouth is bleeding. How do you know my name?" I questioned. “I'm your husband." He said. “No, I'm sorry sir but I'm sure that I am not married. I'm a single mom." I said. My dad came and put a hand on his shoulder and the man backed away. Then two other men came with my dad towards me. “ Honey these are your brothers, Blake is younger one and Jonathan is your older." “ I'm so thankful I have siblings, who would want to be the only child. " I said embracing them. My mum came up and said “ I made you guys dinner why don't you guys bring your sister." “Yes ma'am " Blake said saluting mum. I laughed and Jon carried me in his arms down the stairs with Blake following holding my wheelchair. A pretty lady, a tan guy and the bloody mouthed guy came and ate with us. ( The other children were eating somewhere else because the people who were part of the fight were going to apologize.) “Renesmee and Anthony, were sorry please forgive our actions of hitting you. " “It's fine we understand. We would also like to say sorry for pulling that kind of prank." “Hey why'd you hit them, mum and dad raised us to be better than this." “ It was just a misunderstanding." The guy with the bloody mouth said. “By the way, what are your names? " I asked. They all said their names. The tan guy was Jacob and the pretty lady was Renesmee, his wife, and the other guy was Anthony.

Author Note: Thanks for reading and God bless you guys!:) ♥️🖐️

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