24-When All Else Fails...

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"One more thing. Your career plans. Fill out those forms and get them turned in by the end of the week."

The class agreed in a chorus of yes's and sures.

"And we'll be having parent teacher conferences right after summer break. So don't forget to let your parent or guardian know whats up."

As Amira packed up her stuff, she thought about what Ms. Shiraki had said. Summer break was getting closer and closer each day. But with that, came the lingering thought of the future. After all, Amira and her class had become second years not that long ago. And that meant they were another step closer to graduation. Though granted, it was 2 years away, she still couldn't help but worry a bit.

"What should I put on my form?" She thought. "And who should I bring as my guardian? Maybe Shigure? No, definitely not. I could ask Hatori...but he'll probably be busy that day. And my..."

Amira's train of thought was interrupted when she heard a loud crash beside her.

"If I don't get some food soon, there's going to be hell to pay!" Uotani shouted.

As Amira looked beside her, she saw Kyo on the ground, with his desk upside down, and an irritated looking Uotani clutching her stomach.


"I get that your hungry, but why take it out on Kyon-Kyon?" Yusuke asked.

"Im not hungry junior, I'm hangry." Uotani said. "I slept in so I didn't get any breakfast."


Amira watched as Kyo got up and grabbed Uotani's collar with a dark smirk on his face. The aura around them was so intensely heated, Amira almost could swear there was blue fire around them.

"If you were a guy, I'd wipe the floor with you for pulling a stupid stunt like that. Better be grateful that your were born a chick gangster girl."

Uotani also smirked darkly as she grabbed Kyo by his collar.

"No matter how pissed of you are, I knew you wouldn't hurt a girl dumbass. That's why I did it."

Amira sweatdropped. But then she saw Tohru walk over.

"Hey guys." She said nervously. "Lunchtime? It's lunchtime."


And so, the six teens found themselves outside on the grass for lunch that day. Since the weather had improved, eating outside had become a regular thing for them.

"Its been so long since we've all eaten lunch together like this." Tohru said.

"It has." Hana agreed.

"Food would taste a lot better without you idiots around." Kyo said.

"Tohru, Amira." Hana said as they looked over at her. "Have you already turned in your career forms?"

"Yep!" Tohru said.

"Mhm." Amira said, eating her lunch.

"I haven't yet." Hana said. "I'm not sure what I want to do."

"Yeah." Uotani piped up. "Me neither. How can we decide that crap now? Though I guess you've already had your plan for a while now huh?" She looked at Tohru.

"Its the same as always!" Tohru smiled. "Start working right away to support myself."

"The workforce." Hana said. "A viable option."

"And what about you Amira?" Uotani asked.

"Um...well I hope to go to college." Amira said. "Not sure what I want to study though..."

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