34-I Feel Guilty.

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"Auntie, do you believe in ghosts?"

Akihari glanced at Amira with a shocked face.

"Well...kind of? Why the interest snow angel?"

"Uh...I dunno. I was just thinking..."

Amira frowned.

Akihairi sat by her.

"Hmm...well I believe that our loved ones who have passed on are all around us, looking after us from beyond. Sometimes you can hear them, or feel them..."

"But...can you see them?"

Akihari looked at Amira.

"See them? Well...thats not usually common. But I suppose it's possible. But seeing them might mean...perhaps there's something left for them to say."

"Like...unfinished business?"

"...Yes. I suppose thats a good way to put it."

That day, Amira had decided to visit the estate. Ever since the previous winter, she made it a point to visit Hatori from time to time. Though as usual, she was cautious as she made her way towards the gate. After all, there were people she was still trying to avoid. But thankfully, she had mostly managed to miss those people during her visits. The estate was quieter than usual, which made her feel a little uneasy. But it certainly didn't help that she was already feeling uneasy. She usually had those type of dreams around this time. But oddly, she wasn't as on edge as she usually was. She had a feeling why, but she didn't want to think about it too much. Though she wanted to avoid talking about, Hatori didn't miss the fact that her hand was wrapped in bandages.

"I probably should've told him what really happened, but I don't want worry him. I thought I had managed to move past this, but..."

Amira sighed.

"Why, is that you Amira? I didn't think I'd run into you here today."

Amira immediately paled. And as she turned, it was exactly who she thought it was.

"Shigure." She sighed. "Hello."

"I'm surprised. You usually never come here willingly. What brought you?"

"I came here to see Hatori. But I'm heading home now, and as you can probably tell, I'm trying to be discreet about it, so..."

"Ah, sneaking around I see. Natural for a fox such as yourself.

Amira sighed.

"What do you want Shigure? I know your not here at the estate to talk with me. Surely you have things to attend to."

"Ah yes, of course. But...I'm sure your not here just to visit Hatori, are you?"

Amira's expression darkened.

"...What do you mean by that?"

"I think you know what I mean. You've always been so elusive. So secretive. I wonder. Is it why you didn't tell anyone where you were really going today?"

Amira tensed, and Shigure smirked.

"You always were intriguing. Quiet, and unusually calm. I always wondered...how could a child at your age carry so much guilt?"

He got closer to her, leaning in.

"When I see you, I often wonder, what secrets do you hide behind those purple eyes of yours?

Amira backed up as she glared at him, and Shigure chuckled.

"So many secrets...that you've had to carry for so long. I can't help but wonder...how much longer it will take until your inevitably crushed under their weight."

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