39-Your Right About That.

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"I don't get it. I still don't understand. Why...he still defends me. Still cares for me? Even after what I said..."

"Your not my father!"

"And why do I let him? And why...did I try to run after Akito and Ren? Even though...I already distanced myself from them? And why...haven't I distanced myself like I said I would? I've been getting to comfortable with them. With...him. Maybe it's because...deep down...I still want what I always have..."

"It...It can't be."

Amira wrapped her arms around herself. Her mind was swirling with thoughts of her past as she withdrew deeper and deeper into herself.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps in front of her. And then she saw a shadow.

"Looks like I'm here to save the day again. Da da da da."

As she looked up, Hanajima was standing there, with Megumi and a teary Tohru in tow.



"Uh, what do you mean?" Yuki said over the phone.

"Just what I said." Hana said. "Tohru and Amira are in my custody. They'll be mine all night."

"Um, Hanajima?" Yuki said. "Your phrasing is a little sketchy there."

"Is that doubt I hear? You dare object to my impromptu nightgown festival?"

"Pretty sure the term your looking for is pajama party. No, I have no objections at all." Yuki said.

"Excellent." Hana said. "Then I bid you a goodnight."

And with that, she hung up the phone.

"Saki-Chan, Saki-Chan!" Hanajima's mother said. "Do you know if Tohru or Amira have eaten yet? I can make something if you tell me what they like?"

"They enjoy shark fin." Hana said.

"You're only saying that because it's what you want, aren't you?" Hana's mother questioned. "That's not very nice Saki-Chan, especially since you just ate."

"I asked Mom." Megumi says. "Tohru says no dinner, and Amira won't even talk. But, I was thinking maybe hot tea?"

"Uh, your absolutely right! How rude of me! I'll go brew some right up!" Hana's mother said.

"Megumi." Hana said as he looked at her. "Go on. You know what to do."

"I've got it." Megumi replied.

As Hana walked back into her room, Tohru was there, looking down, while Amira was looking down at her knees.

"Here we are." Hana said. "I've brought tea."

"Oh great, thanks." Tohru said.

Hanajima put two cups of tea in front of them. "Careful, it's hot."

"Yeah, of course." Tohru said. "So um, Hana-Chan? How did you know I was there? And...how did you find Amira?"

"You were crying." Hana said. "You were crying so loudly, it drew me like a shout. But in a voice only I can here.

Hana looked over at Amira.

"I could sense her waves from miles away. So it was easy to find her. Something truly sad happened, didn't it?"

"I...uh...it's just..." Tohru said. "Hanajima...I'm so confused. I...I was right. It turns out...Uotani's Kureno...is Kureno Sohma. I wanted her to go see him so badly. I asked him to...but he said he can't. He told me it's because he has someone to stay with. Someone who needs him. He's a kind man. A caring man. He isn't doing this for his own sake. He's putting someone else's feelings before his own. I couldn't say anything...why am I so useless? Uotani...and Kureno."

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