Uncle Boo-mer. Hah! Uncle Boo-mer! (6)

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The officers came out and said "Do you guys need somewhere to live?" asked Officer Urvashi.

"No, we've got it figured out. But thanks Urvashi" Said Aru.

She knew everyone in the police station, because her uncle Shakhuni worked there.

1) He wasn't really Aru's uncle, but a close friend of her parents, so whatevs.

2) Shakhuni went by Subala.

3) When Aru was really young, she couldn't pronounce Subala, and settled for Boo. SPOILER ALERT: The nickname stuck.

Boo was a really big part of Aru, Mini's, and later, Brynne's childhood. He helped raise them.

So was it bad that immediately she thought to call Boo instead of her mom?

Her dad left them when she was young, and took Kara along with them. He ruined their family. Since then, her mom started leaving more and more.

She scrolled through her contacts and finally:


It rang.

"C'mon c'mon pick up!"

He picked up.


"Hi Boo" she said a little shaky.

"ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED ME TO COME THERE" He asked as soon as he hear the little shake.

"Our apartment was rundown, B-"

Screeching on the other side. Two minutes later, a police car she knew too well basically flew in.

"Boo!!" Mini said happily.

He came out and scooped Aru, Mini and Brynne in a hug. But it ended all too soon, as he joined in the officers' investigation.

Brynne sniffed. "I need to cook"

Mini said "And I need some sanitizer"

Aru promptly said "And I need a nap"

They all looked at each other, sadly.

"I guess this is where we part" said Aru.

"Yeah.." replied Brynne.

"Once we've all calmed down, what about some icecream?" Asked Mini.

'Icecream' Aru remembered with a jolt. 'I left the apartment for icecream.' But where were Brynne and Mini during that time?

"Guys, where were you when this all happened?" Aru asked.

"We went to Aiden's place to see Rudy" Mini explained.

"Oh" Aru said. "Okay, Ice cream sounds good as long as Aiden doesn't tag long" She joked.

"Of course not. It'll be a sister date" Brynne said matter-o-factly. Of course they weren't actually sisters, but close enough to be.

"Okay" Aru said, feeling sad she was going to leave her sisters. "Bye then" She said quietly.

Brynne hugged her tightly, and cooed into her ear "Just for a couple hours" Mini hugged her next.

And then they parted.

Aru walked over to where Aiden was waiting by his car.

"You okay?"

"Yep. Just went to get icecream with the most indecisive person ever, that's you by the way", She whispered the last part to him. " And got no icecream, returned to see my apartment in literal ruins, and had to part with my sisters and go live in someone else's house. Totally normal" She said cheerfully, but even now her voice cracked at the end.

Ignoring her previous comment, he pulled her in for a hug. She smelled...fresh laundry and spice? Weird. But also weirdly good.

The rest was a blur. Aru got into his car, he drove to the apartment, explained everything to Rudy, Rudy rushed off to see if Mini was okay, Aru unpacked the stuff she grabbed from the apartment, Aiden aired out the mattress and set the bed for her, Aru napped.

But for the first time, it contained no dreams.

As soon as she closed her eyes, all that welcomed her was a cold, cold darkness.

Okayy. That's it guys.

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