Aiden is now a Potato. (19)

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Aru's pov

Aru and Brynne made up and now they were back to business with two more members; Hira and Rudy. So now they moved their base to Hira's apartment.

They really wanted to join and they are potatoes so-

The potatoes was a name for all of Aru, Mini and Brynne's friends. They were thinking about it and then Brynne said something about potatoes being strong or whatever so yeah.

Speaking about that-

"Hey is Aiden a Potato yet?" Rudy asked. Everyone went silent. Aru, who was writing something on the chalkboard slowly turned around.

"Wait- he isn't?" Hira asked looking confused. 

"Uh, what's a potato? I mean I know what a potato is but-"

"It's our group name. Brynne, get the sword. Mini, get the potato hat" Aru ordered. They saluted and ran off. She turned to Aiden. "Kneel"

"What?" Aiden asked.

"Kneel down" Aru repeated, walking toward him.

"But why?" He asked. Aru grabbed both his shoulders and pushed them down. He kneeled quickly.

Brynne and Mini came back. Brynne tossed the sword.

"Brynne! That's dangerous!" Mini tossed the hat to Aru.

"I hereby declare" Aru touched the fake sword tip to each of his shoulders. "That you are officially a" She placed the hat on him. "Potato"

Aiden smiled. He got up and tossed the hat to Mini. "Did Brynne come up with that?"

"Obviously" Brynne replied.

"Okay. Back to business." Aru said turning back to the chalkboard. She had her hair up in a pony tail and surprise surprise, no sweater. She had a shirt that had a lightning bolt on it and sweatpants (courtesy of Nikita).

"So let's see. Anything else we could add?"


"Ughhhh. Why does this keep happening?" Aru groaned. Then, her phone rang. 

"Who is it?" Brynne asked.

"It's Boo" Aru replied as she answered and held up the phone to her ear.

Boo: Aru?

Aru: Yeah what's up.

Boo: So-

Aru: Wrong, it's the sky.

Boo: Arundhati-

Aru: Okay, okay. Anyway, what were you saying?

Boo: You can access the apartment.

Aru: No really?!

Boo: Yes you can.

Aru: Am I allowed to live there? Are Brynne and Mini?

Boo: ...

Aru: Boo?

Boo: No you can't. 

Aru: Okay. Bye then.

Boo: Bye.

Aru cut the call.

"We can access the apartment!" Aru exclaimed.

"Yes!" Brynne yelled.

"But we can't live there!" Aru exclaimed this time with fake cheeriness. 

"Yay!" Brynne yelled with equally fake cheeriness.

Mini looked happy, but she seemed lost in thought.

"Min? What's up?" Aru asked.

"I just...well I mean" Mini mumbled. "Who told you this? Boo?"

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