Aru's extremely hard head (10)

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Aiden's pov 

As Brynne and Mini left the parlor, Aiden glanced at his watch. 12:11. What was Time?

But then he remembered how long him and Aru were outside. When she asked me if he wanted to help, her eyes held literally no hope and faith he'd say yes that it honestly hurt.

Literally shut up Aiden. You only knew her for a day anyway, what do you expect, her to tell you her deepest, darkest secret?


And when he'd said yes, her eyes lit up with something new, like she was seeing him for the first time. She said something about a sister- Aiden pried a little, but her eyes were downcast, her mouth was set in a grim line, her jaw was set and she changed the subject.

And that's how he knew he touched something he wasn't supposed too.

It was the same way his mom acted when someone asked about his dad. Downcast eyes, jaw set, mouth was grim line, etc, etc. Part of Aiden's understanding of others was the way he observed everything happening around him.

Of course today wasn't the first time they met. Back in Atlanta, she'd bumped into him and said 'I know where you live!' Well obviously. He knew where she'd lived too. They lived across from each other.

And she'd sassed them around so hard after Drew, Navdeep and Aiden saved her from bullying, it was honestly funny.

"We should get going too. It's 12:11 pm" he told her.

"Awwww you guys live together?" Drew said. Uh oh. Time for- "Are you sure you're not dating?"

"Drew" They said in unison.

"Ok ok imma go back to work now." He said turning away. "Plan Aruden shall commence"

Aiden headlocked him. Aru said something and slipped out and then-


His head turned so fast, his neck might as well of snapped.

But he didn't care.

He only cared about how he saw Aru being dragged and knocked unconscious. (I struggled so much spelling unconscious you don't understand-) 

He was out the door faster than ever. Drew saw it too because he looked alarmed and ran out the door as well, ignoring his manager yelling after him.

(I cannot write fight scenes so Aiden pov ends here)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aru pov

"-no concussions and any sign for head injuries" an unfamiliar voice said. Probably a nurse.

"Meaning?" This was Brynne.

"Meaning Aru has an extremely hard head" and this was Mini.

"Nothing less expected. I'm glad she does though" This was Rudy.

"I'm happy she's alive! I'm so glad" Hira.

"Guys stop talking about me behind my back" Aru said, stirring. 

"Don't worry Shah, we're right in front of you" she saw Aiden grinning.

She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was on a hospital bed, in a hospital gown. Her friends surrounded her.

Then she felt hands wrap around her. They were Mini's. 

"Careful on the head" Aru croaked out as she winced.

"Sorry!" Said Mini, wincing as well, but grinning.

"Thank gods you came back from the dead, Aru, because frankly, I don't think I would have been able to tolerate the intensity of these two" Brynne said, jerking her head at Rudy and Mini, and then rolling her eyes.

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