Suyodhana 'Sleeper' Shah (22)

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Aru's pov

Aru and Aiden stayed up till 6 am packing some food for the trip. Aru reached inside her bag to get her phone but instead came in contact with paper. She pulled it out seeing it was the envelope from earlier.

"What's that?" Aiden asked.

"An envelope I found in your wrecked house" Aru replied, tearing it open. She took her phone out of her bag, put it on flashlight and held it up to read the note.

My dear, dear Aru.

Aru, Aru, Aru.

What have you done?

By living with your friends you put them in danger.

It took a couple wrecked houses and maybe more.

But I will get you back.

It's time for a family reunion.

-The Sleeper

She dropped the note.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked. 

She took a deep breath. "I know who the person is"

"What person?"

"Who wrecked our apartments. Read this note"

Aiden read the note. "So they want you. But we're not going to let them get you. I'm not going to let them. Is that what you're worried about?"

"No it's" Aru pointed at the sign. "It's that part because I know exactly who it is and I really don't want to believe it"

"Who is it?"

"My father. Suyodhana Shah. And that's his gang name. The Sleeper."

"He was in a gang?"

"Yeah. Now I remember"


Aru stayed plastered to the wall. She was only 4 and she was being a ninja.

"Suyodhana! That's illegal!"

"So what? It's for our family"

"No, tell them you want to quit"

"Kara is sick! She'll die, she's only 5!"

"We'll get the money in a legal way! Not working in a gang!"

"I can't quit anyway! I'm their leader!"

"So what? Disband or something! Are you going to keep doing illegal stuff under the name of the Sleeper? Then leave."


"Fine then"

Flashback end-

Aru didn't understand most of the words that they said. She heard 'The Sleeper' and 'Leader'. But him and Kara left the next day.

She felt arms wrap around her and she felt the tears stain his shirt. It meant that she was putting her friends in danger. So maybe-

"No" Aiden said firmly. "I know what you're thinking. No. You are not leaving for our safety"

"But then-"

"Aru, I said no!"


Aru got up. 

"I'll wake up Rudy."

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