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You were sitting down on your couch watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians, When the adverts came up you quickly ran to your bedroom to get your phone so you were occupied, you went Through twitter and saw some hate. The hate was getting to you and here's what it said

@harrysorgasm; I'm honestly suprised Harry went for a black girl, most of them are ugly and have stinky ratchet weave.

@onedirectionaremine; @harrysorgasm I totally agree couldnt he just stick with a white girl ?
You had enough and thought it was about god damn time you stuck up for yourself
@y/t/n : @harrysorgams Aw Babes You flopped because i have 100% natural hair and you say i'm ugly but that's Not what all my instagram comment say ;) & @onedirectionaremine It's not everyday give hate to others because you know your fucking ugly, Youre probably a twelve year old sitting behind a computer 😂 Shouldn't you be revising for exams ?
Moments Later your phone lit up and it was a tweet from harry saying

@harry_styles : That's my girl ❤️ ;) @y/t/n

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