He doesnt think the child is his ✌️. - Liammm

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Let's have another toast to the girl almighty
- girl almighty / one direction.

"She has such beautiful eyes, i wish i had blue eyes" you said
You and Liam and a beautiful baby girl with curly hair and blue eyes.
Ever since Liam noticed his baby girl had blue eyes he's been acting really suspicious.
"Yep beautiful eyes..." Liam said

-------- Liam's POV --------
Don't get me wrong, i love y/n but i don't think the baby's mine. I mean, it has blue fucking eyes and curly hair. I just feel like she cheated on me with another man.

So what i did is i went to the bedroom and went to apply for a DNA test online and closed the computer. 

---------- Y/N --------

So i went upstairs to use the laptop so i could use my tumblr account 😊😊.
And i opened the laptop and it opened to some site for A DNA test, it had my name, my kids name and Liam fucking paynes name.

Boyyyy this nigga got some explaining to do.


"What ? " he said walking in

"Tell me to my fucking face that yo white ass don't believe that this kid is yours..."


"Where's your mouth gone now?"

"Look y/n i fucking love you but i thought that since neither of us have curly hair or blue eyes that you cheated on me" he said ashamed .

"Babe, she has blue eyes because my dad has blue eyes" you said truthfully
"I would never cheat on you babe never..."

"I'm so sorry y/n please forgive me ?" He asked apologetically.

"You lucky i love yo ass"

"Love you too y/n".

lol yeahh i take long to update😂😩. 

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