He cheats part 2 (louissss)

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"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Liam asked nicely.

"Lou-" You just burst into tears, you couldn't care less if you looked like a baboon, Louis really hurt you and you wanted to get revenge, not only on Louis but on that bitch.

"Liam, do you have any idea on who Briana Jungiwirth is?" You questioned

"Oh her, yes i do, she used to go to my primary school, why do you ask babe?"

"Oh i want revenge, Drive me to her house now" you demanded.

"But, you haven't told me why you came to my house in the first place" liam said

You told him the entire story and he gave you a sympathetic look.

"Don't give me sympathy Payno, i Want Revenge, You have fireworks in you're house right?" You asked.

"Yeah, and i think i know where this going, Let's get into my car, Drive to her house & blow the fire works in her house" He said smiling.

"And with Louis, you have to kiss me infront of him" You said mischievously.

"Ok, let's goooo" he said.

At Briana's house...

"She's home I can see her outside her bedroom, naked?, That slut" you said annoyed.

"Wtf, her house door is wide open aswell, Let's just go inside and do what we have to do" Liam said.

So you took out the fireworks and went inside her house, you lit them up and Both you and Liam Ran for you're life and went inside the car a drove away, all you could hear was Screaming.

Few Hours Laters...🖕🏽.

You planned on spending the weekend at Liam's house since you were quite upset That Louis cheated on you, you were just thinking about what to do next, until you got interrupted by a phone call from the Doctors.

"Excuse me is this Ms. Tomlinson?" The Doctor asked.

You and Louis weren't married so you were quite confused but then you caught on.

"Yes this is her, May i ask why?"

"Your Husband Louis, he's in hospital due to severe burns caused by some sort of Fireworks, Please come to the Hospital immediately!" The doctor said and he cut the phone.

To be continued....

Shall i do a part 3? Comment down below if i should . X

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