He cheats {lou}

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Lately Louis been coming home smelling like perfume and all types of shit. You didn't want to think he was cheating until last night.

Lou went to the toilet to go take a shit and left his iphone on the couch. His phone lit up and you obviously being your curious self unlocked his phone and found him texting this bitch.

Briana : BABE I'm pregnant.

Louis: bare lols, um baby i cant leave (y/n) tho.

Briana: Please Baby, that bitch cant compete with me, pleaaasseee.

Louis: alright fine i'll dump her today.

So Louis came out of the toilet and was like "baby we need to talk"

"Yeah yeah you wanna dump me so you can go start a family with that ugly skinny bitch who sucks dick for £1 lol go ahead you cunt, & by the way your dick was too small for me anyways"
And with that you took your walked away and went to Liam's house.

A/N ~ THANK YOU FOR 2k readssss omdssss.

QOFTD - Who's your fav band member ?

Mines is Liam, Holy shit have you seen those biceps. Too bad he's with sophia. I dont really ship him with her, it's all about PEAZERRRR 🎉🎉🎉.
But hey whatever makes my boy happy🌚.

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