You dye his hair (Hazza)

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"No I want Lou to do it, Last time you dyed my hair babe, It turned Green Instead of Blonde"

You and Harry, You're boyfriend Of 3 years, Were Arguing on Dying His Hair.

"Babe, We all learn from mistakes, Just let me dye you're hair blonde, Pleaaaseeee?" You pleaded.

"Fine but if you mess it up, I get to Shave all you're hair off, Deal?" He unfortunately asked.


1hour later👀👀.

"You prepared Harry Styles?"

"I am Prepared (Y/F/N)"

"3.....2......1" you counted down.

"Tadaa, What do you think?" You asked nervously because aint nobody wanna end up looking like a 50 year old male because I couldn't dye my boyfriends Hair properly, Hell nah, Not today.

"I think it's Awful" he replied

That did make you quiet upset and you honestly felt like crying.

"Awfully Amazing, I love it baby, You're the best" Harry said loving his new hair-do

"I love you Haz"
"Love you my choco princess".

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