Request .

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My lockscreen ^^
My Babies😓💖.

Today was along and stressful day, Someone died in my family and Zayn & I had to go to my family's house to comfort them. My mum, dad, sister and other people were going to be there and Zayn wanted to bring Liam for an odd reason but I didn't mind because Liam was my bestfriend.

"You ready babe ?" You asked Zayn because you had too leave.

"Umm yeah..." Zayn asked with no expression.

Zayn was acting weird as soon as i told him my sister, Leona, was going to be there. Weird right ?
So we left right after Liam came over, my mum and Dad's house is pretty far so it was a long drive.

"Hey Leava, why did the Mushroom go to the Party" Liam asked

"I don't know, Why did it go to the party ?" You asked

"Because he was a FUN-GI"

You and liam start cracking up in the backseat.
Wow i felt tears of laughter in my eyes.

"Liam where did you get that joke from?" You asked laughing because you still haven't  recovered from that joke. 

"Louis" he replied

"That idiot" you said which made him grin.

That was a funny ride, but why was Zayn so quiet ?

Few moments later...

Soon we arrived at my Parents house and greeted everybody. We later had our food. Lemme tell you that shit was so sexy. Damn, after we finished eating I offered to wash the dishes and Liam offered to help me, What a nice lad. Zayn was upstairs with my sister. Dw i trust Zayn and My sister isn't one of those bitches who would steal my man.


"OH SHIT, sorry I must've been overthinking about what Zayn and My sister are doing" you said

"How about we finish these dishes then go check on them" Liam said


50 dishes later....

Liam & I walked upstairs to where Zayn and Leona were.
Before we went in you could hear Zayn saying stuff.

"Leona, i love you, i feel something when i'm with you, something that I don't feel when i'm with Leava, will you be my girlfriend"

"Sure, i feel the same too, but you have to break up with Leava"


After you could hear them kissing. I was about to go full on ratchet bitch on them.

But instead this happened...

"Hey Leave don't be upset about Zayn, He's just being a cunt forget about him right after you go and kick his a--"

Before Liam finished you kissed him, but the door opened while you were kissing the door opened.

"LEAVA WHAT THE FUCK, LIAM I SWEAR IMMA FUCK YOU UP BRO" Zayn said then jumped onto Liam and started punching him.

They both started fighting it was like WWE, John Cena  vs Dwayne Johnson.
But then I slapped the shit out of Leona and Liam had to hold me back.

We all settled down but i was so motherfucking angry and this bitch Zayn.

"Zayn... i loved you, why? Why? And you love my sister ?" You said about to cry.


"Don't. Just don't, If you wanna move on fine, i think i'm falling for someone else myself" you said looking at Liam

"I'll always love you" you whispered in his ear

"Me too" he whispered

"And Leona..."


"Go fuck your dead nan."


5 years later lets just say you and the Handsome Liam lived happily ever after.


Hope you enjoyed this x
@leavamalik xx

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