Is he really gone? H.S

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I talked to him everyday. Harry, Harry Styles. It started off as a joke? All nighter buddies .. We had longest conversations, Every Day. He'd call me baby, I'd call him babe. He'd call me BabyGirl, I'd call him daddy. He'd call me Y/N and I'd call him Harry. He was my 'bestfriend', He always gave me attention when I craved it, He always cared for me, He always told me he loved me before I'd go bed, maybe even in the middle of a conversation, Always.

I regret ever being rude to him, I regret it all.
Is he really gone?

Harry .. He died in a stabbing. I don't know why or how. He was innocent, He was funny & caring. I loved him so much and I never got to tell him why.
Today marks one week since he was taken away from us all. I'm here at his grave, to put flowers away and talk. Strictly.

"Harry, I love you so much .. I never knew God would be so cruel and take you away from this world. Then again whenever God closes a door he opens another one. I never got to tell you how much I really loved you, Romantically wise. I think you knew I did, I was just to scared to tell you. You were my 'bestfriend', Emphasise on bestfriend because you weren't actually my bestfriend, You were my other half, Nobody knew though. People thought we were just friends, Nobody knew what went through our chats. My heart fluttered every time you called me baby, everytime you called me baby girl and everytime you told me you loved me. I hate to see people cry, I hate seeing your mum cry because of this. I promise to take care of her, I promise to make you proud and I promise to always continue your legacy Hazza. Love you so much, and yes it was me who took you last pizza 2 days before you were taken away & yes I did brush my shoe with your toothbrush." As I said that I felt a strong breeze push me, I felt something touch me cheek, It was a strong feeling, But it was a welcoming feeling. A tear swept my eye and I placed the flower by his grave.

I turned around and walked back home, memories just playing back like a movie. I'll always love that boy, And yes the good die young❤.

I'm so sorry that this was short & shit 😂.
I'm backkkk & better ✌🏽, The reason why I based the story on death is because recently someone that I didn't really know was taken away by the streets and even though I didn't know him, it still hurt because they boy was only 15 & innocent. Never could I forgive the streets, The streets have taken millions of young boys innocent or guilty & it hurts to know anyone we know could be taken it a quick flash.
RIP Qdotez man😴❤.

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