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Everyday. Everyday I get hate on Twitter because of my weight, And because I was dating the Harry Styles. I was very self-conscious about My weight and I would take the slightest comment to heart.

"Baby why are you so upset?" Harry asked as he came into the room.

I showed him all the Hate I was getting about my weight on my phone and I started crying.

"Baby, Don't cry, You're perfect to me and that's all that matters. Don't look on the dark side but look on the bright side of things, You have some fans that dearly love you just as much As I do. Now go put a sexy dress on to show off all you're curves  because I'm taking you out tonight." Harry said Then giving you an cheeky kiss before leaving.

"Harry wait" you said.

"Yeah?" He asked confused.

"Thank you babe, Thank you for showing me that even though I'm fa--" Before you could finish you're sentence Harry Smashed his lips into mine.

"You're not fat, You're beautiful".

Liam: (Acne) .

Why does he love me? Was all that would go through my head. He could've picked a girl with a nice body and clean face but instead be picks a girl with an ugly body and Acne on her face. I don't like going public with Liam Only because people will see my acne. I'm a very self conscious person so when people point out my Acne it hurts.

"Hey babe!" Liam Greeted As he came inside the house.

"Hey How are you?" You Questioned.

"Um Do you wanna grab something to eat Babe? I'm really hungry and I'm Craving Nandos" Liam asked Zoning out.

"Um no." You simply Answered.

"What? Every single time I ask you to go out with me you always say no, Do you not love me anymore Y/n?" Liam questioned really upset.

"Liam I love you so much, but I'm self conscious about my acne. When paparazzi come with their big ass cameras taking pictures of my ugly ass face I don't like it. That's why I hate going out." You answered truthfully.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me before. I honestly didn't really realise you're acne because of you're eyes. You're eyes  distract me from looking at you're acne because of how beautiful they are, I love you y/n with or without Acne."

"I love you too Lili 💗" .

One Direction Interracial PrefencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon