He gets caught (Zayn)

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You and Zayn Shared a bedroom together In you're Mansion. You woke up to find Zayn wasn't In the bed.

"Zayn?" You said but no reply.

"Zayn...?" Still no Reply.

This got you quite curious on where he was, You got out of bed and Looked for him all around the house.
Minutes pass by and he's no where to be found. The only place you haven't looked was his Art Room. Yup house so big the nigga has his own damn Art room. 


"Where did that come from?" you asked yourself. It sounded as if it came from the Art room.

You Took a baseball bat with you just incase.
As you creeped up to the room, you heard another noise. It sounded as if someone was watching Porn.

You opened the door to find Zayn Masturbating and Watching Porn.

"Ahhhh!?" You both said at the same time.

"Zayn, what you doing?" You asked trying not to crack up.

"Sky diving with Elephants" he replied.

"You're Sarcasm gets me every time" you replied to keeping a straight face.

"Want me to help you babe💦?" You asked slightly teasing him.

"Bend down" he replied in his raspy voice.

And we all know what happened next🌚.

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