Request For Sania.

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You were happily Married to Louis Tomlinson, and you had one kid named Adam who was 5 years old.
One direction was still going on strong aswell.
Louis kept saying shit like "i'm going to the studio" & would return home late at night. That didn't really piss you off but what did is when Louis said he went to the studio to record some shit, You would call Liam and ask if he went to the studio, Liam would answer no.
So obviously you being the curious black girl, you followed louis wherever he went because you felt like he was lying. Don't worry Adam, your child, was at a sleepover.
So you followed this fools car until he stopped at some girl's house. You were livid and your blood was boiling.
You waited inside your car and waited for louis to come out of his car to go to this hoe's house.
He came out knocked on the door and this tall ass blonde bitch opens it, Louis being the fucktard he is, he walks in.
So i waited a few minutes before i made my que bitches ha.
So i knocked 3 times and the girl opened the door.
"Um can i help you"

"Yes bitch you may motherfucking help me, where is my husband ?"

"Um i don't know what your talking about bye."

Before this bitch could close the door i stormed inside and walked upstairs, i stormed inside a room and found Louis. Naked.
Ooh he looks sexy. Not now because imma beat his british ass.

"SANIA ?!?! What are you doing here " Louis practically shouted.

"Why don't you tell me ?"

"Well it's not what it looks like sania, i swear"

"Mmh is it ? So why the fuck is there a condom on the bed ?, Why the fuck are you naked ? And why the fuck have you been motherfucking cheating on me"

I swear i was on the verge of tears but as i strong black woman i shall not cry for some homeless looking white fool.

"You know what Louis, fuck this, Don't come back home, Stay here with this ugly ass white bitch, and you missy *points at white girl* Deserve this"

You punched her, slapped her, pulled her hair, kicked her and she tried to fight back but loool nahh she flopped. Louis had to break up the fight.

"Louis get the fuck off me, Don't ever and i mean ever have any contact with me or my family and if you want to see Adam, nigga you best hire yourself a lawyer"

And with that you left, before you left you hear him say

"I'm sorry, I love you..."

Wassup guyss, Here's you're request  @SaniaHarris , Hope you liked it & thank you for all the votes and the 3k reads love you all xx & if you want A story message me with
• Name
• Age
•Band Member (Zayn aswell)
• Girlfriend / Wife
• Dilemma
• Kids Or Nahht

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