Late night convo's (Niall)

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Niall was sound asleep, and you couldn't sleep since you had 2 can's of coco cola before you slept.


"Hhmm" he said while turning his back to you to continue sleeping.

"If i worked as a security gaurd at Samsung, would that make me Guardian Of the Galaxy" you asked

You could hear Niall chuckling...
"Babe, go sleep, you're asking questions like you're high" Niall said half asleep.

"But i can't sleep" you replied.

"Omg, i have a question" you nearly shouted.

"Give me strength lord" Niall muttered

"If i went to a Nail Salon and asked to get one hand done would i still have to pay the same price or would i get half price" you said, you sounded like a right fool.

"Moments like this, are one reason why i fell in love with you y/n" Niall said.

"Aw baby, I love you and go back to sleep nialler" you replied

And with that you enjoyed the rest of you're sleep. 

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