What you do to annoy him

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Zayn: You bite your nails, Zayn hate that you did this. He found it utterly disgusting. He would always come downstairs and see you biting you're nails, you would occasionally do it when you're bored or nervous. "It's a habit i have been doing for years babe, it's hard to break this habit." That was your number one excuse you would use.

Niall: You stole his food. If Niall left some food in the fridge you would always steal it and he hated that. Everybody knows Niall Horan and his food, He would get really annoyed when you stole his food, it was hilarious. Aswell as that when he was eating his dinner on his plate you would quickly take his food. His reaction was priceless.

Harry: You would flirt with other boys. When you two had a fight, you would always go out and flirt with other boys usually to piss him off. He hated this. If he saw you flirting with a boy he would either beat the boy up or beat the boy up and air you ( Silent treatment) For around 3 days. That's why you barely did it. You really only did it to annoy him, but the reason you barely did it is because you love him.

Louis: You couldn't take banter. You were quite a sensitive & you didn't really like sassy louis, because sassy louis was toooo sassy. For example you could be like "Where's the remote lou ? "
& he would reply "Up your arse." It really annoyed you but atleast he wouldn't do it on a daily occasion.

Liam: you say you're fine but you're not. This made Liam upset because he didn't like seeing you upset and he always wanted to help you out but you always said you were fine because you didn't want to trouble him. He really loved you that's why he always comforted you when you were upset or crying.

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