You're friends don't like him

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"Louis Why Are you Nervous For, My friends Don't bite" You tried said which sort of calmed him down.

"Yeah but what if they don't like me" Lou said quite worried.

"If they don't like you, They can suck their mum's" you said as banter

Louis Laughed and i guess it calmed him down because he didn't worry anymore.

You arrived to the place where all you're friends were while louis was outside parking the car.

"Oh my god girllll, Where's this Bae of yours" (y/f/n) asked

"Yesss where he at " you're other friend asked.

"He's outside parking his Bently" You said.

"DAYUM I already like him " One shouted

Louis entered the house and all you're friends mouths were open.

"Um y/n please come in the kitchen" Both you're friends said at the same time.

"Um okayy what's the problem ? "

"You never told us you were dating Louis fucking Tomlinson"

"He's peng init " you said laughing but you were serious. "What's the problem?"

"Umm He's badnews"

"Pardon?" You asked confused as fuck

"Look, this guy is doing drugs babe, we don't want him to influence you to start doing drugs too" They said which shocked you.

"My dad did drugs, He didn't influence me so what's you're point" you said hurt by their words.

"Dump him, He's bad news".

"Oh okayy, Shall i stop talking to my dad who does drugs because he might influence me ?, i've been dating Louis for 2 years and i have never touched a drug in my life, & my i just clarify Louis smokes he doesn't do drugs you bitches, Go suck your mums." And with that you exited.

Little did you know Louis was listening the whole time.

"Y/n, Babe Thank you for not agreeing with them, i really do love you with all my heart".

"Louis don't worry, i'll never leave you".

You both went inside the car to go home.

"Y/n, i understand why you insulted you're friends but they were just looking out for you, They didn't mean to hurt you."

"Too bad because they did hurt me." You said still trying to recover from what just happened.

"Please call them and sort things out babe, when i'm gone on tour they are going to be the ones giving you company" He said, and you knew he was right.

"Thank you lou, i'll call them when i get home." You said and then kissed him on the cheek.
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Shout out to the girl who recognised that i'm from the UK 😂❤️.
&& Idk why i used Zarry in this chapter but i thought it was cute 😭😭😭😭.
I miss Zayn tbh 😭😭😒.

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