His Fav thing about you

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He Loves your butt, He just loves that is soft and huge. When your cuddling he likes to put his head on it as if it's a pillow or he hits it when your walking.

Your lips, he loves the rosy colour, He also loves the softness of your lips. You could be watching TV and you catch him staring at your lips, It's funny because he can't help it.

He loves your smile, He says your smile is the best thing about you, He also thinks your smile is effective on other people meaning when you smile it makes the other person smile.

He loves your hair because it's So curly and natural, Liam also loves your hair because it's different, It goes from straight to curly, It's frizzy, It's Amazing. At night he loves feeling your hair, It makes him go sleep.

He Loves the colour of your eyes, He Says your eyes just hypnotise him anytime he looks at you, When he looks into your eyes it's like he only focuses on you, Nothing Else Surrounding Him.

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