He Gets Jelous

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Harry: So and Harry went to the shopping centre so you could buy a dress since it was you Sister's Birthday.
"OMFGG Y/N" You're best friend says

"Omg Adam ? "
You just met you're long time boy best friend after 5 years because you moved homes.

"GURRLL I haven't seen you in ages booboo" Adam Goofily said

"The struggle Adam, The Struggle" you said laughing your black ass off.
You could feel Harry tense as soon as your started talking to Adam.

"So who's this dude ? " Adam Questions without trying too sound rude, but flopped.

"Adam meet my boyfriend Harry, Harry meet my bestfriend Adam"

"Well helllooo Mr Styles, i know you from One Direction"

"That's nice" Harry replied quite rude.

"Cut it out" you whispering in his ear, you could tell he was jealous which was quite funny.

"Oh & Mr Styles ? " Adam asked

"What" Harry coldly said.

"I'm gay, so no need for you're rudeness if you think i'm tryna steal your girl, Adam Preached and left after saying goodbye.

You two entered the car after buying you're dress, you haven't spoken to him after he was being rude to Adam.

"So you're just going to Air me as if i'm not there" Harry said

"Umm Why are you talking to me ? For your information i have a reason why i'm fucking airing you" you said quite angrily.

"Y/n, i'm sorry babe, i just got jealous and if i knew he was gay I would of still been jelous, I'm really sorry kitten" he apologised.

"Babe, It's fine, & it was quite bait you were jealous" You said laughing

"Whatever, Love you y/n"

"Love you too Haz".

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