Chapter 16

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OK, so I know it's been a long while since I last updated this and I will explain why right now.

I wasn't updating at first because I wanted to get two of my other stories, that were close to being done, finished before finals came. So, I put most of my other stories on a hiatus until I completed them.

Once I did complete them, finals was only two weeks away so I put all my focus into that for a while. I put so much focus and energy into finals that I was unable to focus on anything else for a while.

After finals was over, I lost a lot of motivation in everything and I couldn't find joy in things I used to enjoy before the finals. Even worse, I wasn't able to really focus on anything besides like mindless television for a while.

Once I was ready to write again, my mom had taken my laptop into work with her because a guy that works there said he can fix some problems I was having, but he didn't give it back to her before he went on vacation.

I still don't have my laptop, I'm currently using my dad's. But updates should be coming a little more regularly now because I actually have an excuse to use my dad's laptop now, since I have an online class that starts Tuesday.

I am going on vacation in a few days so i still might not be able to update this once a week like I would like to, but I can definitely promise it won't take months again to update.

So in conclusion, I am terribly sorry about the super long hiatus and I will try to get better about updating all my stories. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

And you guys will understand the pic on the side/top later on in the chapter! (But aren't they so cute? Cake af lately!)



"Name three things you want to do after you've had the babies?" Liam asked me while we were in the car on our way to meet the two boys Josh's mom wanted us to talk to.

I thought about it for a minute, rubbing my big swollen stomach as I answered him. "Well first thing I would be doing is sleeping on my stomach."

"Really? That's first on your list?" Liam asked looking at me quickly in surprise before focusing back on the road.

"Yeah man, I never knew how much I would miss sleeping on my stomach until I got pregnant. I'm going to be sleeping on it first chance I get, all spread out in a starfish position. It's going to be amazing." I practically moaned out.

Liam let a small laugh. "I don't doubt you on that I just didn't think that would be first on your list. I thought running would be number one."

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now