Chapter 9

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Sorry that I have been MIA with updates lately. First it was the fact a storm fried my wifi, causing me to go over 72 hours without any internet access (it was torture). Then I found my sims game, and well you know. Then I had to get caught up with all my other stories. But now I'm back and will try to update more regularly!

Also, (I really do hate doing this but...) will you guys please check out my two newest stories: Fatality (Niam) and Love Ball Not Boys (Lashton)! 


Liam joined me and Josh again about ten minutes after I came down. Thankfully he seemed sobered up enough to have an actual conversation.

“Dude, you didn’t even bother to fix your hair?” Josh teasingly asked. Liam gave him a confused look and Josh just sighed. “You got sex hair idiot!”

He flushed bright red and tried to fix it, but was just messing it up some more. I chuckled. “Here bend down a bit and I’ll fix it for you.”

“Thanks babe, you’re the best!” He said as he did what he was told.

“Yeah, yeah. Hold still.” I murmured as I was too focused on the task at hand.

“You guys act like such a married couple, it’s kind of sickening actually.” I can practically hear Josh’s eye roll.

Liam and I both flipped him off, not even bothering to turn to him to do it.

“Hey, where were you earlier Liam?” I asked once I was finished with his hair. I was no longer upset that he left me when we got here, even though he promised he wouldn’t. I was just curious because…well, I still kind of have trust issues with Liam. I know that’s bad because we have already discussed the incident and moved on from it, but still, can you blame me?

“Oh, I was w-”

“Guys!” A very breathless and red faced Dani yelled, interrupting Liam. Damn you Dani! “Guys, come quick! Harry, Louis, and Zayn are fighting!”

“Ok, who am I pulling off Harry, Zayn or Louis? Or am I pulling one of them off Harry?” Liam called up to her as she led the way to where the three bozos were.

“Neither. We’re going to pull all three off the other. It’s a three way fight, not the couple against Harry.” Dani called back at us.

Josh and I shared a concerned look as we entered the room where the fight was happening. The four of us pushed through the crowd of people that must be surround our friend to see that Harry was on the ground clutching his eye and glaring at the other two, but thankfully, staying out of the fight for now. Zayn and Louis were throwing punches left and right at each other on the ground, with Louis having the upper hand because he was the one on top.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now