Chapter 14

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20 Weeks Along

“Hey Josh, can you possibly help the coach out for me today?” I asked my friend as we walked to his car.

He answered me as soon as we were both in the car and our seat belts on and we are on the way to his house. “I guess I could. Can I ask what you are going to do instead though?”

I looked down at my now very noticeable baby bump and place a hand on it. “I’m just really tired and I want to be well rested for my appointment tomorrow.” I lied.

He looked away from the road long enough to ask a question. “No problem buddy, what do I tell Liam when he notices you’re not there?”

I thought about it for a minute before giving him reply. “Tell him that I’m ok, I was just really tired and want to get some rest. Tell him not to come over tonight and to go have fun with some of his friends or something, but no drinking! Then tell him that my appointment is at noon tomorrow and if he’s not there I will never forgive him.”

Josh gave me a smirk as we pulled up into his driveway. “Keeping your dog on a short leash aren’t we?”

I rolled my eyes at him and smacked his arm lightly. “I’m not keeping him on a short leash, he’s allowed to go out and have fun. But he’s on the verge of a drinking problem and I really will not forgive him if he doesn’t show up to this appointment. This is the most important one.”

Josh looked at me and bit his lip, a nervous habit of his. “I’m allowed to go to this appointment right?”

I gave him a sweet smile and pecked his cheek and carefully got out of the car. “Josh, you’re my best friend, I don’t know if I can handle you not being there. See you later.”

He rolled his eyes at me before pulling out of the driveway and back to the school. I sighed and made my way into the house, thankfully for me, I had the house to myself. I slowly made my way down to the guest room I was staying in. I shut my door and slowly slid down against it and lifted up my shirt until it was resting on my bump.

I took a deep breath before starting. “Hey babies, I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I love you guys very much. And I’m very excited to find out what you guys are. I don’t really care what gender you guys are, I just want you nice and healthy. I will admit, though, that I do want a little prince and princess. I want one of you guys to be a little princess so that I could dress you up in cute little dresses and play with your beautiful hair and I want a little prince so that we can play sports together and me and your daddy will teach you how to take care of your little sister.

“Now, don’t get me wrong, I really don’t care if you guys end up being two little princes or two little princesses. I don’t care if one of my little princesses wants to get muddy and dirty and play sports or if one of my princes wants play dress up and play with dolls. I just care if you are healthy, happy, and protected. And I will do everything in my power to give you those things and so much more. I’m going to make sure you are the most loved and spoiled babies this town has ever seen. Neither of you are allowed to date until your 20s.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now