Chapter 4

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Don't know what prompted me to do another update so early, but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!




12 Weeks Along



I’m the worse fucking boyfriend ever.



Seriously, I am so terrible. Like I am just shy of three months along and I still haven’t fucking told Liam that I am pregnant. I mean I’m fucking starting to show and I still haven’t told him. He just thinks I’m getting fat or something like that.



It’s not even like I don’t want to tell him. I want him to know so badly, I want him to know that he’s about to be a father. It’s just I freak out every time I’m about to him, I freeze and just never do it. I’m just so afraid of his reaction. Also, our relationship is finally going good and I don’t want to fuck it up now.



I’ve been dropping clues like crazy though. I constantly complain about my ankles being swollen and ask him to rub them. My cravings have been over the top, but I’ve manage to keep my mood swings to a minimum though. Every time we’re alone together I go shirtless to show off the small bump I got, no matter how self-conscious I am and I am very self-conscious. Every time he wraps his arms around my waist I move his hands up so they are touching the bump. But he still doesn’t question it, not even when I refused to go on runs or drink beer with him, and those are two things I loves dearly.



I am going to tell him tonight though. No matter what I am telling him tonight, because I want him to go with me to my check up tomorrow. Luckily today was our last day of school before winter break.



And all these thoughts disappeared as I hit my high. I let out a long moan of Liam’s name and that was enough for him to hit his high. I pecked his lips one more time and pulled off him to lie half on him and half beside him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me more on him.



We were silent for a while as we tried to get our breathing back to normal before Liam broke the silence. “I don’t know what has gotten into you lately, Ni, but whatever it is I like.”



I flushed red and bit my lip as I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ve just been so horny lately, I don’t know why?” Yes, I do, fucking hormones.



He grinned and kissed me real quick. “I don’t care what the reason is, I like it.” He said after pulling away.



I felt my stomach rumble and I had a sudden craving come on. “Li, babe, can you go downstairs and get me some pickles and chocolate.” I bit my lip and widened my eyes, knowing he can resist this face.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now