Chapter 6

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I didn't realize how much smut I have been adding in this story. Oh wow, you guys probably enjoy it! ;)


14 Weeks Along

Winter vacation just kind of flew by. Christmas with Liam’s family is amazing. I’ve never really had great Christmases because my parents were, well, arseholes, so spending Christmas with the Payne’s is amazing because they are all so nice and lovely and no one is yelling or ignoring each other. And maybe it’s because it was mine and Liam’s first Christmas together. Plus, his family is so nice, they all bought me some clothing that can fit me throughout the pregnancy. I don’t want to say maternity clothing because that’s to girly and I want everyone to know I’m still masculine, damn it!

New Years was nice also. It actually got a little wild because Liam’s family allowed him to invite all our friends over and they let us have alcohol, except for me of course and I made sure everyone knew I was about all night. This best part of the night was, of course, the New Year’s kiss with Liam, which may have turned into something more, if you know what I mean.

Two not so great things happened as well though. One, Harry and Josh are not talking to each other again. I think Harry and Josh might have hooked up to, actually I know they did. Those two should either admit feelings to each other or stop getting drunk in each other’s presence. Two, Louis and Zayn didn’t show up. I actually haven’t heard from them since my pregnancy was revealed. I’m actually quite scared that they are judging me or shunning me because of it.

So, the party just ended up being just me, Liam, Josh, Harry, and Danielle and a date she brought, the guy was actually quite cool and nice and not once commented on my physique.

Also, I talked to my running coach over the break and told him I wouldn’t be able to run track with him. He got really mad and upset with me at first and was telling me how much I was ruining my future with this decision. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t even lie to him, I actually told him what was going on. Of course at first he didn’t believe, who in their right mind would? It took a lot of convincing, several sonograms, a raised shirt, and a phone call for my coach to finally believe me. He was surprisingly really cool about the whole ordeal and we worked out a deal where I could still be with the track team by becoming an assistant manager for the team, which I agreed to because running is still my life.

Anyway, today is the last day of vacation and I plan on spending it just relaxing and enjoying some alone time with Liam. And I’m starting the day off with a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, potatoes, and orange juice.

“Damn babe that sure is a lot of food.” Liam said as he walked into the room. He kissed my cheek real quick and then sat in the seat beside mine quickly swallowed what is in my mouth before responding. “I am eating for three.”

Liam chuckled. “Yeah, I can tell.”

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