Chapter 18

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I don't have much to say, so enjoy this visual of the chapter.


To: Niall

From: Unknown

Hey Niall. I am going to be back in town soon and I would love to be able to see while I'm here. I would totally understand if you didn't want to meet up with me, but if you do please let me know because I should be here sometime within the month.

I furrowed my eyes at the random text message. I didn't recognize the number, but they apparently knew who I was. I tried wracking my brain on everyone I know or I have ever known and who this person could be, but all I kept coming up with is blanks.

I guess the only way to find out who this text came from is just ask to them straight up I guess?

To: Unknown

From: Niall

Hey, I'm terribly sorry, but I have no idea who this is, but you obviously know me I guess. So who are you and how do you know who I am?

"Hey Niall, are you even listening to me?" Josh asked me, making me forget all about the strange text message, as we slowly made our way down the hallway to the lunch room.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked him as I slid my phone into the pocket of my, Liam's, sweatshirt...because that's basically all that fits right now. I really need to go shopping for some bigger clothes.

"I was trying to ask you how that meeting with those two dudes that are in the same situation as you and Liam went." Josh told me, surprising me a little because I didn't even know he knew about Luke and Calum's situation.

"How did you know that there were two other guys like me and Liam?" I asked him, shock clearly present in my tone.

He gave me an 'are you serious right now' look. "Dude, my mom is the one who set the meeting up and she's the doctor that's going to be help you and the other dude out during you guy's..." I rolled my eyes at him as looked around and made sure no one was around before whispering, "pregnancies."

"You are a true idiot."

"And you are a hormonal bitch, yet we're still friends." He cheekily replied back as we entered the noisy cafeteria.

I punched him lightly or maybe not so lightly because he's wincing right now. "I ask myself everyday why I am still friends with you. Why didn't your mom just tell you how the meeting went, she was there."

"From what I heard, she actually wasn't. She said all she really saw was a tallish blonde dude come in and nearly killed you as soon as he saw you, and she quickly left after that. And when she came back, all four of you guys were buddy buddy. So, what exactly went on at that meeting and why did I almost lose my best friend?" Josh asked, like the nosy little shit he is.

"Well," I sighed out as I sat down, with Josh sitting right across from me so we could converse easier. I made sure none of our friend was around or coming over to the table yet before giving him a quick version of what happened Saturday. "Basically what happened was we ran into the two boys outside of the hospital without knowing who they were. And the boy that is in the same situation as mine was that one rude guy that called me a fat arse that one time, remember him? Well, my hormones took over and I kinda bitched him out and told him I hope he develops depression and gets fat or something like that, which I deeply regret saying that by the way. Liam had to talk his boyfriend out of killing me and then had to console a minor break down from me because I was deeply ashamed of what I said.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now