Chapter 20

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated last. I've had a lot of problems with laptops lately, but I finally got my laptop back and I am hoping this will allow me to start updating more. So, start looking forward to hopefully more frequent updates.

Enjoy this chapter, hope it was worth the wait!

"So you're telling me that your mom just sent you a text out of the blue? Hasn't she been MIA for like six months?" Liam asked.

"More like eight months since I'm six months along and she was gone a few months before we even started having sex." I pointed out.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever, the point is that she left you a long while ago and now she suddenly wants to be back in your life? It's not right and you definitely shouldn't go see her!" he yelled out at me, getting worked up about the whole situation.

I sent him a glare, not believing he had the nerve to tell me what to do. I rubbed my rather large baby bump to keep from getting worked up as well. "Well, it's a good thing this no your decision then. It's my decision and if I want to go see her, then I will."

He took a deep breath, trying not to get too frustrated and trying to calm down a bit as well, before speaking again. "I don't want you to go, but if you want to go, the fine, I can't stop you. But you are not going to meet her alone. It is too dangerous, so you'll need someone to go with you, preferably me of course."

"Do you really that's going to be necessary though? I mean how dangerous can she really be? I would just be meeting with my mom, nut that monster that is legally classified as my father." I bitterly spat out, still feeling nothing but hatred for the guy.

"She's unpredictable Ni! I mean she just up and left you with that jackarse with no warning. Who knows what she's going to d if you meet her alone?" He pointed out, and he honestly did have a point there.

"Ok yeah, you're right." I reluctantly and hesitantly admitted. "I don't need to put my babies at risk because she is unpredictable. So you should come with me, but you have to promise me you're not going to be aggressive. You are there for support, and support only, not to punch out my mother, got it?"

"I'll agree only if you admit if I was right one more time, I didn't record it the first time." He compromised.

"You're ridiculous." I said with a roll of the eyes, but my expression soon turned to shock when he pulled out his phone and pointed it at me. "Liam, no! Put that thing away! I don't want to be on camera!" I whined out.

"I will put it away only after it has been admitted that I, Liam Payne, am right and has a reward, you, Niall Horan, will give me a blow job!" Liam declared into the camera on his phone before pointing it back at me which I may have flipped it off.

An idea came to mind, causing a smirk to slowly spread across my face. "Fine, I, Niall Horan admit that you, Liam Payne is right. But if Liam Payne wants to remain sexually active for the remainder of this pregnancy, he will turn the damn camera off."

He quickly scrambled to turn the camera off before plopping down beside me on the couch. He gave a quick kiss to my cheek before bending down slightly to kiss my fairly sized stomach. I could feel my cheeks heating up rapidly, but I couldn't help but give a fond smile at his actions.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now