Chapter 23

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Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I've just been so busy with my new job and my college classes that it's hard to find any time just to sit down and write. That's why I'm putting some stories on hold, so that I don't feel as pressured to update and just start doing more good quality updates. 

Anyway, I'm on spring break right now, so I actually do have time to write and I am going to try to update Psychiatric Evaluation this week as well, in case some of you guys read that story as well. Also, my work is going to start giving me another day off and it looks like it's going to always be either a Friday or Saturday and I don't have classes on those days. Hopefully I can update better because of the extra day off.

Also, before we begin this chapter, I just want you guys to know that I might take down the Character ask that I had posted for this book because I didn't get a lot of questions for it. I haven't decided yet. If I do take it down, it will be gone by tomorrow night, but if you guys really want one, please go ask more questions in it or at the end of this chapter.

Now, last thing! This just really a filler, the next chapter is when the drama will begin! I'm thinking of ending this story at around 30 chapters as a fyi.

Ok, enough rambling, sorry for the long arse author's note. Enjoy the chapter. :)

Pic above are the onesies talked about in this chapter.


23 Weeks Along

I don't know what to do. I mean I know what I should be doing, getting ready for school, but I have no idea what to wear. I've literally tried on every pair of pants I've owned and nothing fit! Don't even get me started on my shirts. Almost every single one of them stretched in a way that just put my baby bump on display, which I didn't want to happen.

So, I don't know what to do. I don't want to wear sweat pants again because I've worn sweats all of last week and I don't want to go another week in just sweats. And there is no way I can wear a sweatshirt or big jacket to cover my baby bump because it's just too damn hot for that.

I love my babies, but I do not love being pregnant. I just don't like what pregnancy is doing to my body. I just constantly feel like a, and look like, a whale. My back always hurt, my feet are almost always swollen, and the mood swings are absolutely horrible. And ever since the babies started kicking, they have been keeping me up at all hours of the night.

So no, today is not my day and I'm just trying so hard not to start crying right now.

A knock at my door broke me from my crisis. "Niall! You ready yet?! You've been taking forever and school starts in five minutes!" Josh yelled out from behind the door.

I picked up a shoe that was near me and threw it at the door. "FUCK OFF!" I yelled out before the waterworks was let loose.

I heard his scoff from behind the door. "Fine, but I'm letting Liam know that you aren't showing up to school! Don't be surprised if he comes over!" Josh yelled out before his footsteps were heard retreating from the door.

I don't care though. I just shoved everything off my bed, and onto the floor, before rolling over onto my side and continued my pathetic crying. I don't even know why I'm crying, but now that I have started, I can't stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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