Chapter 22

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Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. My laptop is still broken and I haven't gotten a new one yet, but I will be getting one real soon, according to my mom at least. I couldn't use my dad's laptop because my mom had to take my dad's laptop in because the guys who are working on my laptop needed his laptop to fix something on mine? I'm not really sure what they are doing to be honest with you guys. Anyway, my laptop will hopefully be back soon. 

This chapter is random, kinda shitty, filler chapter. Next chapter most likely will be a filler too, but then after that things will start to pick up again, I promise! Hope you guys enjoy it anyway.


To: Niall

From: Mother (?)

Let's meet next Friday at our old house, after your school gets out. Bring no one, tell no one, and I promise there will be no funny business.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the strange text message. Why is she so insistent of me not telling anyone or bringing anyone with me when I meet her. This all seems way too suspicious and there is no way in hell that I am going alone to meet her. I'm going to bring Liam and maybe just have him stay out of sight. I might even tell Josh what is going on, in case things go south with me and Liam. This situation is just way too sketchy.

To: Mother (?)

From: Niall

Ok, I'll be there. You better not try anything on me.

I quickly put my phone away as someone came over and had plopped down so hard on the wooden bench at the lunch table I was sitting at that it sent vibrations through me. Those vibrations caused me to groan in pain because I am still incredibly sore from last night.

I looked to my left, where the person had plopped down, to see Liam looking at me with a smirk. Of fucking course Liam would do something like this because he is an arsehole.

"What's wrong with you?" Calum asked in concern when seeing my pained/pissed of expression.

"Oh nothing." I groaned out.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Luke said as he sat down, kissing Calum's cheek real quickly before continuing. "Looks like you have something up your arse. A vibrator or a dildo perhaps?" Luke said with a devilish grin.

"Hi, nice to see you too Luke!" I grumbled out, can that dick even try to be nice?

"Nothing's up his arse. He's just still a little sore from our fun activity last night." Liam cockily said as he wrapped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on the swell of my baby bump. One of the babies even greeted him with a kick.

Without even looking at him, I whacked him straight in the crotch. "And that's the last time he's going to enjoy any fun activities for a long while."

"Niall, I need your help." Came from a frantic Harry that was suddenly sitting on my right side.

"Ok, before we start anything, Harry these are my new friends, Luke and Calum. Calum and Luke, this is one of my good idiotic friends Harry." I said motioning between him and the young couple, before taking a bite of the pasta Josh's mom packed me.

Luke just waved and Calum let out a small "Hey" before they went back to whatever they were talking about. "So Harry, what did you forget now? Or what homework do you need to copy now? Or who caught you talking about them now? Or better yet, who did you sleep with now and who found about it?"

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