Chapter 3

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8 Weeks Along

“So, have you told Liam yet?” Josh asked me as I was grabbing some books out of my locker.

I groaned. “No. I really want to tell him, but every time I think to bring it up, I freeze and it just never comes out. I just don’t know how to bring it up with him.”

“You have to tell him soon though. This is not exactly something you can hide from him. It’s been about two weeks since we found out.” Josh pointed out.

I stood up and gestured to my outfit. “You don’t think I know that? I’ve had to result back to my sweat pants because those tight skinny jeans I got to make jealous that one time will no longer button.” I sighed and leaned against my locker and stared hopefully up at Josh. “How do you even tell your boyfriend that their mate, who’s another guy, is pregnant, with twins. I have no idea how to tell him.” I let out another long sigh. “Do you have any ideas on how I can tell him?”

Josh shook his head. “I’m just as clueless to this as you are. Maybe you can start dropping some hints and clues and let him figure it out for himself?”

I rolled my eyes. “I can give him all the hints I want, he would never get it. If you’ve forgotten I am a dude and a dude shouldn’t be able to get, you know.”

The bell rang and I got off my locker and Josh and I started walking towards our classes. “I don’t know man, it’s still worth a shot, right? Don’t stress out that much either buddy, it’s not good for the babies.”

I glared at him. “I know it’s not good for the babies Josh, I don’t need you constantly reminding me.” I took a deep breath to calm myself down. “I guess I can give it a shot. Later man.” I said as we branched off into different directions towards the class of the day. I made my way into my math class, calculus disgusting, and went straight to the back where Liam was already sitting.

He smiled at me as I made my way over to the desk behind him. He turned to face me before speaking. “Hey babe, how has your day been so far?”

I scrunched up my nose. “Pretty good, I wish it was lunch already though. I’m starving.”

Liam laughed. “You’re always hungry.”

I laughed with him and punched his arm lightly. “Shut up, how has your day been?”

He smirked at me. “Better now that you’re here.”

Even thought the statement was obscenely cheesy it still made me blush. “You’re so cheesy.” I muttered.

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now