Chapter 11

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17 Weeks Along

I would call this week the week of the hormones, mood swings, and the arseholes. This is how it all went.


I was lying on the couch watching Frozen when Liam walked through the door. He froze in spot and raised an eyebrow at me. “Babe, are you crying?”

I brought a hand up to my cheeks and, Yupp, I was crying. I could feel my face go red with embarrassment. “Um… I guess I am.”

He looked concern now and rushed over to me so that he was kneeling in front of me. “What’s wrong Niall?”

I covered my face in embarrassment and mumbled my reply. “What was that baby?” Liam asked.

I uncovered my face. “I was watching frozen and I guess I got a bit emotional.” I mumbled out.

He raised his eyebrow at me again. “You were crying because of Frozen?”

I think my face actually went even redder.  “Well, I mean, Hans is such an arsehole and almost killed Anna and then Anna risked her live for her sister’s and it was all so sad.”

He rolled his eyes, but pulled me into a chest for a hug anyway. “I love you, but I am so not looking forward to these mood swings.”


Tears of frustration were making their way down my face as I tried to get my pants up to my hips. The real struggle was actually getting the button to fasten. Cuss word after cuss word was making their way out of my mouth and I didn’t know if I wanted to just break down and cry some more or start throwing things at the wall.

There was a knock on my door and a second later Liam entered my room. I grabbed the thing nearest to me, a shoe, and threw it at him. Thankfully, he ducked. “Babe, what the hell?!” He shouted at me.

“I can’t fit into any of my fucking pants and it’s your entire fucking fault!” I screamed back at him.

He looked confused. “My fault?”

I glared at him. “You got me fucking pregnant and now I’m too fucking fat to fit into any of my fucking clothing.”

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now