Chapter 12

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I hate to do this, but it's got to be done. Self promo: please go check out my story Love Ball Not Boys. It's a Lashton story and if you guys are into 5SOS stories I'm hoping you guys would enjoy it because I enjoy writing it and would love some feedback on the story.


18 Weeks Along

“If you keep eating all this ice cream, at the rate you’re going, you’ll be nice and fat in no time.” Josh said as he walked into the room.

I pouted then glance from the ice cream carton in my lap, to my stomach, and then back to Josh. I just shrugged and took another spoonful of cold, creamy deliciousness. “I’m already fat.” I told my friend through my mouthful of the sweet treat.

He rolled his eyes and plopped down beside me on the couch. He then reached over and took my spoon and grabbed a spoonful for himself. “Fine, you’ll get fatter.”

I scoffed at him and flicked his nose before snatching my spoon back. “I can’t believe you agreed to me being fat.”

He shrugged and got more comfortable on the couch. “You were the one who called yourself fat, I just thought it would be easier to agree with you.”

I ignored him. “You don’t really think I’m fat do you?” I asked with a pout and, sadly, I felt tears come to my eyes.

He was quick to pull me into a hug, where I may have cried into his shoulder. “No, I don’t think your fat. You’re pregnant not fat, you’re bound to gain weight. You aren’t fat though, you are just carrying two lives in you. Even if you were fat you would still be a freaking head turner.”

I laughed weakly and pulled away and whipped furiously at my eyes. “I doubt it, but thanks anyway. I’m so fucking over these damn hormones.”

“Don’t fucking swear when you’re pregnant.” Josh’s mom said as she walked into the room.

I gave her a confused look and Josh just rolled his eyes. “But you just swore mother dearest.”

“Oh my god, it talks.” Josh just rolled his eyes again causing his mom to cross her arms and pop one hip out. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me boy. I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it. And I’m not the pregnant one here, I can swear if fucking want to.”

I jumped into the conversation before Josh could argue back. “Mrs. Devine I-”

Learning to Accept (Sequel to Learning to Love) (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat