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"Come on babe, dance with me?!"

"Ugh, Jaxon you know I'm not the dancing type!"

"Oh come on. Don't be a baby. Who cares how you dance? We're in the middle of a club, I mean, have you seen how some of these idiots dance?"

" Fine, but if I get one weird look we are out of here!"

"Deal!...hey, why do you like going to clubs anyway, if you hate dancing? I mean, we're at a different one every weekend."

" You know I would do anything for you Jax. I love you."

"I know Laken. I love you too. But, if you don't wanna clubbing with me you don't have to. We can do what you want to do babe."

"Oh yeah, like I'd let you come to places like this without me. You'd be all over other girls. I know you well Jax."

"Oh hey, that's not fair. You know I would never cheat on you. You're the first real relationship I've had...pretty much ever."

" I know that, but it doesn't mean women wouldn't faun all over you. And you know you would return the attention. There's no need to lie."

"Okay, so maybe I would."

""That's better, we don't lie to eachother. Ever. Even about the littlest things."

" I know babe, never. Now dance with me!!" 


"Babe, I need to go home. I'm not feeling so hot."

"You don't look it either."

"That's not funny."

"Well I guess not. But babe, you had how many shots? hahhahah." 

"No, it's not the alcohol. I feel...different. I'm not sure what it is. I'm dizzy, kinda tired."

"Woah Laken, you're falling over. Come on, let's get you home."



A/N Please let me know what you think.

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