Chapter 23

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A/N So, I know it has been like 2 weeks since my last update but I have finally figured out where I am going with the story. I wasn't happy with what I was writing but we are goo now and it should hopefully be a more regular updating schedule now. ENJOY! VOTE! COMMENT! SHARE!


“Hey, sorry to bother you. Is this a bad time?”

“No, of course not Jason. Come on in. My day couldn’t get any worse.”

“I’m sorry, do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really. What did you need?”

“Marshal sent me to check on you and the little one.”

“Ummm, you don’t have any medical training do you?”

“Well, no, but I’m not here to give you an exam or anything. He’s busy with another girl right now and will be for a while. He wanted me to make sure you and your son were doing ok. No dizziness, no fever, no headaches, no high blood pressure. You know, all the stuff he would ask you about and then check out for himself anyway.”

I laughed. “Well I guess you’re just going to have to take my word for it.”

“I guess so. I’m glad you laughed, and smiled. I hate to see you upset; especially because I know it’s because of my brothers.”

“Oh Jason I—“

“Oh, no, I’m not trying to come on to you or something here. No, no, no. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to talk, ya know, to vent about them being jackasses, then you are more than welcome to do it with me,” he blushed, “I mean, vent that is.”

“Hahahaha I knew what you meant Jason.” He was acting weird. He was never shy or nervous around me. I was guessing that either Michael or Jaxon had told him to go to me and ask me how I felt about them; seeing as I refused to talk to either one of them ever again.

“Jason, did someone put you up to this? Ya know, to get me to tell you how I feel about your brothers.”

“What? No! I’m genuinely concerned. I know that are complete morons for letting a catch like you go… once again, I’m not hitting on you. Just saying.”

“I know Jason. I’m sorry I asked. It’s just that no one around here seems to have my best interest at heart, except maybe Marshal. But he’s still just doing his job. And you, you are such a sweet, caring, and funny guy. But, I know you’re just looking out for me because you were told to do so.”

“No, I mean yes I was told to but, I like being your keeper. You’re really great to talk to.”

“Shhh, you really shouldn’t say those things around me. Your mom will send you back to training. Hahaha”

“No, every time I come in, I turn off the cameras.”

I was completely dumbfounded. Why the hell would he do that, and just now tell me about it? That was important information I could have used months prior.

“Why? Why would you do that?”

He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to me and sat down on the bed beside me. “Just habit I guess.”

“Oh, so I’m not special. You do that for all the girls,” I said in a slightly flirtatious yet mostly sarcastic way.

“Of course you’re special… Once again, I’m not hitting on you. It’s just that, I know a lot of the girls like to have someone they can talk to and in private. This place isn’t exactly private. SO, I turn the cameras off. It atleast gives you guys a bit of space.”

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