Chapter 11

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I laid on the bed and cried. I knew Michael was going to be punished and I was terrified that what he was going to have to do would be ten times worse than what I had to do last time. Then I realized,  I would probably be punished too. Great, I thought. I was just waiting for someone to burst through the door and take me to God only knew where to do God only knew what. I was more pissed off than scared. I was tired of being there and being used like that.

Two hours later, and in came Brady. I guess they were not happy with how Jason was nice to me. Brady went over my bed and jabbed me with a needle.

When I opened my eyes I saw black. No light which meant I was in a room with no windows. My wrists were in chains over my head, my toes barely touched the cold ground and I was naked.

When my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw that, aside from me, the room was completely empty. The walls were concrete and the floor was dirt. I hung there, in the middle of the room, for what seemed like years before I heard a door open behind me.

"Wake up bitch." And then I felt the worst physical pain of my life. I screamed and winced in agony. 

"Let the fun begin!" The voice said. I didn't recognize the voice but it was definatly male. All at once blinding lights were turned on. They came from every angle. As my eyes adjusting once more, I saw that the lights came from each of the four corners of the room. I quickly gathered my thoughts and mind and realized that I was being whipped.

He kept hitting me with it in my abdominal area. I guess he wanted to re-injure my ribs. Every once in a while he would quit the whipping and rape me from behind. I went numb after about an hour of the torture. He didn't say anything the rest of the time he was there. My mind wandered to Michael. Was that what they were doing to him? Was he getting it even worse than I was?

I couldn't help but think that it was all my fault. If I hadn't brought up leaving with him our day together would've ended happily. Then, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard the door open again and the lights went dark.

There was a gag that was put in my mouth and then I heard footsteps shuffling around. When the lights were turned back on there was a figure hanging in front of me, also naked, obviously male. He was gagged and blindfolded but I knew it was Michael. It had to be. After they removed his blindfold they removed our gags simultaneously.


"Yeah, Michael, it's me."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing good, been better. How about you?"

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fau- OUCH!" They whipped him right in front of me. He screamed and I felt tears fill my own eyes. Then they whipped me. That's when Michael really lost it.


"Michael, shh, it's okay."

"No, stop, please don't hurt her anymore. Hit me if you have to punish someone."  They whipped him twice and me three times. I tried to keep my composure so Michael would stop and just let us get through it together.

They whipped us some more while Michael's pleas grew more fierce. When they had enough they gagged him. Then, turned their sights to just me. Over and over again they would whip me and take turns raping me while they forced Michael to watch. The whole thing lasted for three and a half hours.

The only reason I know how long is because after they were done, they had to physically carry me back to my room. I couldn't walk, or talk barely. When they threw me down on my bed, my head landed facing the clock. After that, whatever happened is a blur.

The next thing I remember is waking up three days later. I was on my bed, in a pair of red shorts and a tight, black cami. I was in pain, a lot of it. I guessed it was my bruised ribs then I remembered the torture. I pulled up my cami and saw the scars, welts, and dried blood. I started to hyperventilate, I wasn't very good with handling pain or blood. My head started to spin and my breathing became labored and shallow. I tried to call out for help but everytime I exhaled, it became harder and harder to inhale more of the oxygen that was vital to my survival. I was praying that someone, anyone was watching me, waiting for me to wake up and they would burst through the door and save me. That, however, didn't happen. 


A/N Sorry it's so short and sorry for the late update. I've been pretty busy. Even though it's short, it's a pretty intense chapter. ENJOY!

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