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My alarm went off signaling it was time for me to get up, it was now Friday and I was excited for Jasmine cousins party tonight.

I got up and did my make up and got dressed I was feeling real good and I wanted to show it I walked passed my mom room and she was sleep so I decided I'll walk today I grabbed my house key and headed out. I was walking when a car blew a horn at me.

"Need, a ride princess?" Ryder asked stopping I kept walking I didn't like how he was acting the last couple of days.

"I don't want you to have to look after me." I said he started laughing

"Come on Princess." he said laughing I finally gave up and got in. "See now that wasn't so hard."

"It wasn't but you have really been mean to me these past couple of days."

"My b that's my way of showing somebody I wanna fuck with them." he said

I opened my slang handbook Jasmine made for me and to wanna "fuck with somebody" it means you like them.

"Why couldn't you have been normal and tell me?" I questioned him, what's so hard about that.

"I barley know you Princess and we got out to a bad start with ole girl."

"I understand." I said laying back on the seat I liked Ryder he cute and was a great guy he had his moments.

"So tonight at J party you'll save me a dance?" He said pulling up to the school.

"Yeah, but you have to be on you're best behavior." with that I got out the car and walked into school and smirked

"Who got you happy?" Jasmine asked approaching me

"Nobody but your charming brother." I said she looked at me strange and started laughing. "What's So Funny?"

"Nothing Ro how do you expect me to be when you hear your friend and your brother like each other."

"What's the big deal Jazz?" I said annoyed I didn't understand what the deal was.

"I can't right now with you Royal." she said getting up and leaving I sighed and went to class it's going to be a long day.


Bout time it was lunch time Jaz still wasn't talking to me and she was my only friend. And I missed being in class with her giggling I was walking when some one bumped into me.

"Watch it Royal pain in the ass. Leah said laughing with her followers.

"Ok I'm really sorry." I said walking away but she tugged at my hair and I fell I looked up at her and tears fell I couldn't protect myself I wasn't prepared for altercations like this.

"Listen bitch your not Royal I'm the queen and you're my servant so get to stepping." she yelled I got up and ran into the lunch room .

"You ok Royal?" Casey asked hugging me tears fell I wasn't ready for the public world I wish I was back in LA with my dad and my mom together and being sheltered and not knowing the world.

"I really just want to go home Case." I lied wiping my tears I went and sat down. Jasmine looked, at me a form of sympathy grew across her face.

"Leah?" She said with hatred in her eyes. I shook my head and put it down I wasn't hungry. "Royal, I'm sorry I'm just thinking that you might just wanna hang with Ryder."

"Jazz you are like my sister the one I never had. no one can replace you and I'll never forget you."

"Aww thanks babe." She hugged me and stared off into space. "were going to look good tonight.

"Is Queen Bitch going to be there?"

"That hoe nah?" Jasmine replied I sighed and I'm really glad I got a friend like Jasmine.


School was over and I was happy this week was stressing man I'm just ready to have fun at this party tonight even though I've never experienced one.

Me and Jasmine walked home together because I don't have any "party" clothes so I has to look "fly" tonight and Jasmine was going to "hook me up" we walked into her house and it was beautiful I seen picture of her family and they were so adorable.

"My rooms upstairs let's go." She said grabbing my hand taking to this red looking room it was all organized she went into her closet and handed me a black dress. "that's going to look fab on you."

I started taking my clothes off but Jasmine yelled. "what's wrong?"

"Ro, go to the bathroom." she said laughing and pointing to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom, tried on the dress, it showed to much skin and my assets the little that I had anyway. I haven't, showed this much skin. the most I showed was my belly.

I walked back into Jasmines room, and she gasped I blushed a little. "Oh my god Royal." she said

"Do I really look good?" I asked she shook her head and sat me down in front of a mirror.

"You are truly Royal." she said and started going through draws and bring out tons of makeup. "Ready Setty?" I nodded and she started putting on my make up. I looked in the mirror I was a Royal queen.

Jasmine, went and got dressed she had on a red strapless dress, and some red bottoms. Her hair was wavy. she looked beautiful. "You look gorgeous." I smiled

"Thanks babe." she grabbed her clutch and headed out her door grabbing the house keys.

I walked out and saw Ryder he looked so handsome. "Wow ladies y'all look gorgeous." he said opening the door I got into the car and listened to music while we rode to the party.

We arrived at some house, which looked like it was in the hood. I got scared and chills went down my spine. "Let's go y'all." Jasmine said going inside I pulled down my dressed and walked inside everybody was there dancing on each other. I stayed close to Ryder.

"You ok?" He whispered In my ear I nodded my deep down I was a little scared this was my first party after all. I went over to where Jasmine was and she was fixing something to drink.

"Want some?" She smiled I grabbed this drink it was nasty yet tasty. I looked up and saw Leah talking to Ryder flirting. I got jealous and walked over to them.

"You still wanna dance?" I asked grabbing Ryder's hand and looking back at Leah she was upset. A slow song came on I didn't know what to do so I stood there.

Ryder grabbed my waist and pulled me closed we swayed to the beat I laid my head on his shoulder and started swaying.

"You surly caught my eye tonight." he whispered I chuckled and smiled.

"Thanks honey." I said the song stopped playing I walked away and went over Jasmine and she handed me another cup.

"To being friends." she said holding up our cups I drink it and I felt weird but I shook it off and started dancing, swinging my hair and swaying my hips.

"Jasmine come dance with me." I said as Beyoncé started playing she started shaking her bottom I tried to do the same but failed. My first party and it was fun.

It was the end of the night and Jasmine was intoxicated with alcohol i was tipsy and ready to go home I started to walk home when Ryder stopped me. "Come on Princess." he said

I went to his car and he drove me home I stared at him. He was such a gentlemen through looks on the outside but you can never judge a book by it's cover. we pulled up to my house and he walked me to my door.

"Thanks." I said he smirked and hugged me.

"No problem, you got plans tomorrow?" He asked I shook my head no he smirked again. "Wanna chill tomorrow?"

"Sure we can chill tomorrow." I said I kissed his cheek and walked inside. what a wonderful day.

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