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I woke up with the world biggest headache I cant believe I let Jasmine talk me into that party. Well I don't mind but tonight i'm going to go "chill" With Ryder. I don't know what he has in mind. I smell breakfast being cooked and go downstairs and see my mom cooking, she has a huge smile on her face and, she cooking my favorite food something is up.

"Morning Sweetheart." She says sitting my food in front of me. She watches me I smelled the food, and she smacks her teeth. "Royal!"

"Nothing wrong with being safe." i said taking a bite of Bacon, then my mom mumbles something. I look up "Ma'am?"

"You might have another sibling ." She says all quietly, I hope she means she found a long lost one cause I know my dad still is single. I cock my eyebrow and fold my arms.

"I need you to clarify this because I don't know who's having a kid." I said my mom rolls her eyes and continues cooking. I honesty don't know why she's upset right now, i'm furious because she went out and got pregnant. I storm up stairs and lay down I can't believe my mother I need to get out of this house.

I Gather some clothes and text Jasmine maybe she can ask her parents, can I stay over for the weekend. I know i'm blowing this out of proportion but I still can't handle the fact my parents are divorced and not together anymore. I was listening to music when i heard a honk outside. I went and got inside the car I saw Ryder smiling from the backseat.

"You gucci b?" She says driving towards there house I shook my head and stared out the window.

"Don't be sad princess i know how it feels to have an unwanted sibling" Ryder says eyeing Jasmine . I laughed and looked at Jasmine she smiled.

"Oh is that right?" Jasmine says swerving the car i started laughing as Ryder started yelling I turned on the Radio and Boyz To Men came on

"Yes Ya'll This My Jam!" I yelled and started singing I looked over at Jasmine who stared at me with Confusion, I've never been into Rap and Hip Hop I don't get it plus I grew up on old school Jams.

"You fuck with old school?" Ryder said I smiled and shook my head. We arrived at Jasmine house I went inside and smelled some Delicious food I haven't actually smelled on of these since the first day we moved down here.

"Ma were home." Jasmine said grabbing my hand and heading into the kitchen I saw this woman maybe in her 30's she was beautiful. "Mom, This Royal." Jasmine introduces me.

"Its an pleasure to me you Ms...?"

"Baker, but please call me Ms.B" She said hugging me I hugged back I Went and sat down into the living room and watched dragon ball z.

"You into the anime crap?" Jasmine asked I shook my head Ryder eyed me and smirked

"Aye, come sit by ya boy." he patted the couch and dust came flying up, Jasmine coughed and I laughed "Oops"

"Nice move slick rick." She said smacking his head and heading upstairs answering her phone I went over and sat by Ryder he yawned and wrapped his arm around me. I Giggled

"What's so funny?" he asked staring at me.

"You, that's an old move." I said laughing

"I'll show you funny." He said tickling me i started laughing and moving around and we bumped head"Ow big head ass." he said

"I'm sorry." I said I folded my arms he just hurt my feelings i tried to get up but he pulled me back down. "Ryder stop." I said

"Why are you upset?" He asked

"I have a big as head remember." I said angrily

"I was just playing Princess, it was a Joke." he said hugging me I pouted a little but hugged him back.

"Quit pouting." he said I laughed and put my legs across him and watched dragon ball Z.

"Gohan, Is bae." I said laughing and looking at Ryder

"Is that so?" He asked cocking and eyebrow.

"No, I'm kidding Gohan couldn't be as sweet as you." I said he looked at me then kissed my lips.

"FOODS READY!!!!!" Jasmine yelled I got up quickly and headed to the kitchen.

"Mmm smell delicious mom." Jasmine said eating I grabbed my plate and sat by Jasmine.

Everything was in my head to my mom being pregnant. School with Leah and kissing Ryder which I don't know how to kiss.

"Ro? You good?" Jasmine asked I nodded and started eating. I started stuffing my face with Chicken. "Royal!"

I looked up "Jasmine, yo brother kissed me." I said

"Oh ok Royal what's wrong with that I thought y'all liked each other." she said

"I mean yes I do, but I actually haven't kissed anyone so I don't know how to." I said looking down

"Aww baby look here practice on me." she said

"Jasmine..." she kissed me and I started moving my tongue. she pulled away "how was I?"

"Royal, you got the hang of it." she said smiling. "Since we're dating brothers... wassup with yours?"

"Off Limits, I'm serious he's not trying to get tied down." I said laying down.

"Ain't nothing wrong with being an side meal." she laughed

"I don't get it."

"A chick on the side." she said laying down. I turned over and grabbed my phone I saw 30 texts from my mom I honestly don't want to talk to her.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes.. GOSH I miss my dad.

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