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                        O M N I S C I E N T 

"What happened?" Royal said waking up in her bed. She looked over at her phone and noticed that her phone was cracked.

"I don't know. You passed out and I rushed you home." Royal grabbed her phone and went through her call log.

"There's a possibility that... Ryder.. Ryder could come see me give birth." Cairo jaws flinched and he smacked the wall.

"Okay. Are you going to let him?" He asked calmly. Royal didn't know what she wanted to do. This was his child, but she didn't want to risk getting hurt again.

"We both need to think on it and come to an final decision, it's not just my child but also yours." Royal said rubbing her stomach. Baby Ayla was months away from being born and she didn't want any unnecessary stress.

"I'll think about it, but I'm heading out to check on the car dealership you good?" He asked her, Royal shook her head yeah and with that he headed out.



"Miss Susan, what should I do?" I asked Cairos grandmother, she always had the wisest answers.

"Baby, I believe you should invite him. He doesn't deserve to sign the birth certificate or anything else. BUT, he should be able to see his daughter being born. " She said sipping her tea. I thought about how I am with holding grudges.

"Thank you." I said smiling for the rest of the day we played game and watched movies. Miss Susan was in a retirement home, she had Alzheimer's. it wasn't bad but it was. Cairo sister Carly was sent to Texas so she could live with their aunt. I hugged Cairo' grandmother and drove home.


I pulled up to the house and looked at it, I just thought about how life is hard and it was never as easy as my parents made it seemed. I pulled out my number and dialed officer Rodriguez number , it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey Officer Rodriguez, I'm calling back about the whole Ryder coming to see our baby being born... it's okay with me. I'm supposed to be due December ninth." I said hitting the end button. I got out the car and went inside.

"Hey babe." Cairo said hugging me. I inhaled is scent and for a moment everything seemed okay. We just stayed there hugging for a brief moment.

"I invited Ryder to the baby's birth ." I said standing there fidgeting with my nails, waiting on him to give me a reaction. "Baby...

"You invite the same dude... who showed up to your birthday party unannounced, the same dude who kissed you, the same mother fucking dude who was just an actor in your life--the same dude who raped you. To see my daughter being born with out consulting with me? You must on that stuff cause his ass ain't invited." He said dismissing me.

"It's his daughter too! Ryder I can't sit here and hold grudges against him!" I said letting the words flow out of my mouth not hearing what I said.

"What'd you say?" He said getting in my face.

"Cairo." I said nervously, he only shook his head and walked out. I sighed and sat down, I rubbed my stomach. "Ayla, what am I gonna do?" I said


"Bitch, you did what?" Monica said eating pizza . I had to call somebody over and talk about things, when I'm alone and thinking I tend to do stupid things . With me being pregnant I didn't want to risk anything.

"I invited Ryder to see me give birth, then when I told Cairo he flipped out and I accidentally called him Ryder's name." I said biting my fingernails.

"You know how men are overdramatic, it's fine he should be back and he'll be okay." She said, we were watching The Client List. "All I'm saying is don't bug him about it and stress about it."

I shrugged my shoulders and checked my phone, he didn't even leave a message for me or nothing. I mean I know he's angry but I at least needs to know he's okay. I sighed and went back to watching tv.

Fifteen minutes into watching tv, Cairo came inside and went to the room. He came back out without a shirt and stood there, I wasn't gonna lie my man was looking sexy right now. But, I'm mad at him.

"Monica, could you leave please? Me and my fiancé have something to discuss ." She looked at me and mouthed good luck.


"Before you speak, let me make something perfectly clear!! You should've consulted with me before you invited that nigga. But, my grandmother told me you talked to her about it and she also talked to me. Let me tell you something else..." he said walking on me. "You really called me that nigga named huh?" He asked picking me up and taking me to the bedroom.

"I didn't mean it." I said laying on the bed, he ignored me and continued to kiss on my neck. His hand traveled down my body until he reached my treasure.

"Damn... you're so wet, I haven't done anything yet." He whispered into my ear. That only made me wetter, he started massaging my perl with his fingers and my body started going insane. "What's my name?"

"Mmm." Is the only thing I could get out. Cairo knew how to work his fingers. I felt my self about to cum, when he stopped.

"What's my name? Royal." He asked in a deep husky voice. He started back playing with my treasure.

"Cairo!!" I screamed,  letting my juices flow on his fingers. He started chuckling. "What's so funny?"

"You. I bet you won't call me that nigga name again." He said kissing me on the lips. I only half smiled and mugged him. "You want round two?"

"Cairo, move na I'm tired." I said I got up and went to the bathroom. I started undressing until I felt a pop and water hush in-between my legs. Either Cairo has me that wet or my water just burst. "BABY PACK THE BABY BAG." I yelled coming out the bathroom.

"Now!! It's only the sixth." Cairo said grabbing the bags.

"Well she decided to visit early." I said I grabbed my shoes and headed to the car. I called everyone and told them to meet me at the hospital. I did a silent prayer as Cairo sped there.



"How you holding up?" Franklin asked rushing into the building. I was nervous I was about to see my little girl.

"Nervous, I'm about to be a father!" I said

"What is he doing here?" Jacob said looking up, I looked up at Ryder and all anger grew over me.

"She ain't ready to give birth rapist, you can kindly sit yo ass outside and wait." He looked me up and down . "You feeling hit , my nigga what's good?"

"Cairo please stop." Royal said the doctor came into the room and checked up on her.

"Only one of these gentlemen can be in the room when you give birth which one is it gonna be?" The doctor asked.

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