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(Excuse any mistakes, that I might have made. I'm human too and feel free to ask question about the book if your confused.)

I woke up to my phone ringing it was my mom I turned my phone off. I want the weekend away from her tomorrow I'll go home.

"Ro, call your mother back." Jasmine said turning over. I rolled my eyes and called her and it went to voicemail.

"Voicemail." I said holding my phone up in the air I got up went to Ryder room

"Good morning Princess" he said turning over and pecked  me on the lips.

"Does, this mean?" I said sitting on his bed. I had never had a boyfriend before.

"Yes, baby we date." He said smiling I got happy inside, Ryder was the only guy I pretty much wanted.

"Lay down with me." He scooted over and I laid down. He wrapped his arm around my waist and scooted close to me.

"Ryder... Um something's poking me." He laughed

"Sorry princess, my little man at full attention this morning." He said

I laughed and got up ... I couldn't have sex with him yet and I knew he wanted it. Why else would his penis be on hard.

"So what's your dad like?" He asked me

"My dad's the number one man in my life he sheltered me from everything though."

"Your moms seem cool." I looked down and then nodded. My mom changed ever since my dad left and I know it's been hard on her.

I got up and ran to Jasmine's room and started packing my clothes.

"You ok Ro?" Jasmine asked coming out of the bathroom

"I need to go home, gosh I'm such an idiot can you drive me?" I asked grabbing my bag. She nodded her head and grabbed her keys and heading out the house.

We arrived at my house and I hugged Jasmine and ran inside. I ran upstairs to my mom and gave her a hug

"Royal I'm sorry." My mom said crying and playing with my hair.

"No need to be sorry mom, I'm sorry I should've understood that your going through some things."

"No, baby I understand and I'm not pregnant ok." We stayed hugging for a while.

"So mommy, I'm kind of with this guy." She squealed and clapped her hands

"So Mi hija who is he and what's his name?" She asked

"His name is Ryder and he's Jasmine brother."

"See, baby Washington wasn't such a bad idea." She said nudging me

"Yeah I guess your right well I should go get ready for bed." I said getting up and going into my room. I was tired. But I'm glad me and my mom is back cool again


I woke up groaning , as my alarm clock blared through out my whole room. I knew what it was time for .... School. I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower.

I got dressed and did my make up, grabbed my phone off the charger and went downstairs. My mom was still sleep. So I would have to ask Jasmine for a ride.

Jasmine 6:44 a.m : I'm outside Ro hurry up.

I grabbed my banana and headed outside. I got into her car.

"Ryder, has a doctor appointment. He'll be to school later on." Jasmine said

"Oh ok." I said and laid back on the seat.

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