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                 (Excuse any mistakes)

     "Jasmine!!" I ran and jumped on her. But how and when? I didn't care I was happy they was here.

"Royal did you forgot it was spring break." Jasmine said You so stupid Royal.

I looked at Ryder who was talking to my dad. Gosh I missed my baby. My dad dismissed him and I walked over to him and kissed him. He was feeling on my booty.

"Hands up." My dad said clearing his throat. I laughed and grabbed there hands and took them upstairs. I closed my door and screamed to the top of my lungs.

"When did y'all?" I asked stuttering. Jasmine flipped her hair and I rolled my eyes. This bitch better start talking.

      "I met King fine ass. One day coming home from school and girl.. Anyways he said he was coming up here so I asked my mom and she said yeah" I just smiled I thought I'd never see them again.

"Hey Royal." Mariah said knocking on my door. I turned around.


My mom said "I need to take you to your interview tomorrow." She said I gave her a thumbs up and with that she vanished.

"Ayo, that's pops other kid?" Ryder said laughing. I hit him in the chest.

"Yeah." I was wondering how my mom was doing. "Y'all seen my mom lately?"

"Yeah, but she's not in y'all old house anymore." Jasmine said. Where the fuck she at? Why is my life full of surprises. One day I'm probably going to find out King is not my brother.

"My dad was acting crazy, when Ginger mentioned her. It's like there all keeping a big secret from me." I said

"I'm sure that's not true." Jasmine said I hope not. I got up and grabbed there bags and took them to the guest room.

"So glad I'm here with you baby." Ryder said grabbing me by my waist. I smiled

"I'm happy your here to." I said turning around and hugging him. Jasmine walked by clearing her thoart.

"Don't have sex in the hallway." She said laughing I cut my eyes at her. "Come on Ryder. She has an interview tomorrow." He groaned and pecked my lips. I went and laid down my friends are here. Everything's perfect. A little to perfect. I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.


"Royal." I heard someone say banging on my door. Free slap anyone? I got up and checked my phone it was 9:30 oh shit my interview.           I got up and did my hygiene and put on  my clothes I curled my hair and did my make up. When I was done it was 9:40.

           "Riah." I screamed  I ran downstairs and saw her eating an Apple. I ran out the door and got into the car. She got in and zoomed to Zaxbys. When I got there it was 9:58 I zoomed into Zaxbys.

          "Royal." Some lady called out. I got up and followed the lady.
I got up and walked to the back I hope I can get this job and be out.

"You start Monday." She smiled handing me my Zaxbys shirt. I started dancing as I walked out the place. I got into the car and squealed. Go bitch ... Go Royal it's ya birthday. Mariah cleared her thoart.

"I start Monday baby." I said putting on my seat belt. She drove home. I couldn't wait to tell my babies that I got the job. She pulled into the drive way I saw Ginger and my dad in a heated argument.

"Tell fucking Royal the truth. I'm done Jacob." Ginger said I'm so fucking confused. I got out the car but Mariah grabbed my arm. I snatched away from her. "Good Royals here." Ginger said

"What's going on?" I asked crossing my arms. I'm lowkey upset I thought me and my dad were better than this.

"Royal, come on let's go on the inside." My dad said I didn't flinch. "Ro boat." I held up my hand. Spit it out. "Ginger is your..

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