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(Excuse any mistakes.)

- I woke up with the world biggest headache. I turned over and checked my phone 6 messages from King , three from Ryder and two from Mariah. I went and did my personal hygiene before going downstairs. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and heard some foot steps and saw Ginger. I grabbed my bowl and headed upstairs but she called my name.

"Look, I'm in no mood ok? Yesterday was just the icing on the cake. And I'm trying to forget about it." I said heading upstairs and eating my cereal when my phone vibrated. Ryder 😑 was calling me.


R - "Morning beautiful." I rolled my eyes and sighed it has only been a day and he's starting to annoy me.

"What's your reason for calling? Seriously Ryder, I received news yesterday that what we had was an act." I started crying and hung up. Why am I wasting my tears on him?

"Hey Royal?" Mariah said knocking on my door I quickly wiped my eyes. I got up and opened my door. I cleared my thoart. "Oh it's 9:30 I think you should be getting ready." I looked confused.

"For?" She slapped her forehead and laughed. I didn't see nothing funny.

"Work Silly." I ran and grabbed my uniform and quickly put it on. I grabbed my hat and bag and ran downstairs. I grabbed my phone off have table and went outside to the car. "You got dressed quickly." Mariah said I smiled and got in the passenger side. She zoomed to Zaxbys.

- I got out the car and swallowed hard 16 years I've been alive and no work experience I wonder how I will do. "Bye Riah." I said she smiled at me and drove off. I walked inside and sighed this is going to be a long 4 hours I thought.

- 1:00 PM and I was finally off. Training wasn't that bad and my co workers are funny. I was working with that guy. Ciro , Cirus. Whatever his name is and he's ok. "Need a ride?" I heard a voice say I turned around and saw Cereal.

"No thank you Circus. My sister should be on the way." I said smiling he nodded and laughed.

"I'll wait till she gets here and it's Cairo.. Royal." He said I felt bad now he remember my name and I totally forgot his.

"I'm sorry." I sighed looking down. He chucked and smiled

"It's ok." He said I felt my phone vibrate and it was a text from Mariah.

Mariah 👯💛 - Sorry , boo I can't make it. I'm out with Franklin. But Cairo should be there 😊 love youuus.

- I sighed and looked I swear to God I feel like they planned this out. I smiled at Cairo and he opened the passenger door, I got in and buckled up. "Remember the place?" I asked pulling out my headphones.

      "I should but if I get lost I'll ask you ma." Cairo said putting the car in drive and pulling off. I laid my head back and listened to K.Michelle not even two minutes later he tapped me. "I'm hungry. You mind if I stop at Wendy's?"

      "Only if I get something too." I laughed he nodded and pulled up to Wendy's. "Welcome to Wendy's may I take your order?"

     "Can I have uhh... Number 4 combo larger and .. I mouthed the number 8 medium. "Can I have the number 8 combo medium."

    - he pulled up to the next window. "That'll be 15.95." The woman said he pulled out an twenty. He grabbed the bags and handed them to me. I dug into the bag and ate a fry.

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