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It had been two weeks and the day is the day, I find out if I'm pregnant. I've been a little nauseated, But that's all. I don't support abortions but ... If I'm pregnant that decision runs heavily on my mind.

"You ready?" Cairo asked grabbing the keys off the table.

"I'm nervous, but I've been waiting on this day." I said grabbing my coat and heading out the door.

"Everything's gonna be fine." Cairo said kissing me on the lips and getting in the car. I got in the car and thought about this.. all the way until the we got there.

"Royal, are you ready?" The doctor asked I smiled and stepped into the office. My heart dropped to my stomach just walking in there.

"I'm really nervous, I'm only 18."  I said as the doctor took some blood.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, I'm just taking a blood test." He said once he got my blood he left the room.

"Babe, everything's gonna be fine I promise you that." Cairo said rubbing my arm. I might as well tell him how I'm feeling about this situation.

"I've been contemplating an abortion." I blurted out

"Royal are you stupid? Tell me you just playing with me right now." Cairo said I shook my head no

"I'm not ready to be a parent, plus this baby is not yours! I was raped." I said crying

"You don't need to take anybody's life! Man I do not care if this baby is NOT MINE!" Cairo said yelling soon he left

"Okay, Royal so we're going to call you with the results." The doctor said

"Thank you so much." I said getting up and leaving the room. I was just mad and nervous at the same time.

"Let's go." Cairo said heading to the car. The whole car ride back to my parents house was awkward.

Soon as we go to the house, he headed inside and didn't even wait for me. I sighed and got out the car and headed inside.

"Man, she's not thinking." I heard soon as I got inside.

"This really is not a big deal. It's my decision and MY CHILD." I said storming upstairs. Nobody knows how I'm feeling right now nor the past situations I have with Ryder.

Plus, I don't even know if I'm pregnant there's a big chance that I'm not. I didn't say I was going through with the situation. It was just weighing heavily on my mind because I was mad about how I had got pregnant.

"Royal.. Royal." Someone said shaking me. I turned over and saw Mariah and Desean I got extremely excited.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you here." I said grabbing Desean

"Happy to see you too, Cairo asked me to come over and talk to you." I rolled my eyes and fed Desean his bottle.

"There's really nothing to talk about Mariah. I just didn't want a baby that looked like Ryder, everyday I look at him or her... I would see what Ryder did to me."

"I understand that, but aborting a baby is never the answer. If you really still feel like you don't want the baby, IF your pregnant give it up for adoption." I nodded my head and picked up my phone

"Oh shit, the Doctor called me and left a voicemail." My heart started beating really fast and my nerves got bad.

"Let's listen to it." Mariah said hitting play.

(After looking at your blood test, it shows that you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations Miss McCoy. Please come back for a doctors appointment to check on your baby.)

I covered my mouth and cried. That's all I could do. I just couldn't imagine there's a little mini me growing inside of me.

"How are you feeling?" Mariah said

"Excited but nervous." I got up and went downstairs with Mariah close on my heels. "Cairo..."

"Sup?" He said flicking through channels.

"I'm... we're going to have a baby." I said rubbing my little tummy.

"Cool." He said still flicking through channels.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked

"You can go abort the baby now." I rolled my eyes and went to sit on his lap. "Move man." He said tryna move me out the way.

"I'm keeping it." He looked at smiled and kissed my nose.

"I knew you'd make the right choice. Hopefully it's a boy." I playfully rolled my eyes and hit his arm.

"We got a boy already. Desean gonna have a little cousin to protect."  I said the thought of me at the age of eighteen picking out baby names, was very shocking ... but I was prepared.

"Hey mama." I said cooing over my mothers little girl.

"She's so beautiful what's her name?" I asked

"Princess." She said smiling then frowned. "I named her after you... but I can't take care of her."

"Why not?"

"I'm moving to Germany, your grandmother is sick and needs me to look after her."

"What's going to happen with Princess?"

"That's the thing Royal... I need you to ask your dad can he look after her until I get back." She said I shook my head no

"I refuse, you know dad hates when I'm the message deliver between you two."

"You know Ginger dislikes me and would do anything to see me down." I frowned

"Like what?"

"Ask your dad not to look after Princess especially since she's not his daughter." She said

"Look, I'll take care of Princess I need a little practice." I said

"Practice for what?"

"I'm pregnant." I said looking down.

"Congratulations mi hija you and Cairo are gonna be great parents. Is he excited to be a father?"

"He's not the father... mom I forgot to tell you that I was raped by Ryder." I said looking down

"How do you forget to tell me that?"

"It all happened so fast and I've been in and out of the doctors office." I said crying the more I thought about the more it came back to my mind.

"It's ok Mi Hija." She said hugging me. We sat there and talked and watched movies, I missed Stephanie even though she wasn't my real mom. I still missed venting to her, I'm going to miss her when she goes to Germany.

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