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"I'm never partying with y'all again. Hell I miss my baby and I'm tired." Mariah said

"Girl, you are something else." I said checking my phone.

"I still can't believe that was Bryson." Mariah said I chuckled and saw two missed calls from Cairo.

"Y'all my baby called me and I missed it." I said whining.

"I love y'all but I gotta go. " Monica said getting dressed.

"I'll walk you out." I put on my jacket and slippers and walked outside with Monica.

"Girl I'm serious, put in a good word for me. You know I haven't had a decent relationship since, I was with..."

"Your brother. I know I'll put in a good word." I said hugging her and heading back inside.

"Mom and dad is coming over in a few with Desean. Are you staying?"

"Actually no. I thought I'd hit up the mall and wait until it time for dinner with Bryson."

"Bring me leftovers?"

"Yes. But I have a serious question ."

"What is it?"

"So you know... me and Cairo has not had sex yet. Do you think he's going to leave me?"

"Wow, Royal no! I mean Cairo loves you and he's made it this far without leaving you for not having sex with him."

"Thanks boo, I love you." I said grabbing my things and heading to my car.  There's plenty of times I found myself wanting to have sex with Cairo. But I just couldn't, I was too scared of not doing it right. Hopefully after basic training I'll be ready ... FINALLY!

"What about this?" I said holding the dress up in front of the camera.

"Royal, stop stressing it's just Dinner." Mariah said

"This man is famous. I do not wanna be seen looking like bum with him." I said putting  on the dress.

"You're absolutely right. But come on, you look stunning in anything you put on."

"This is why you were always my favorite." I said applying my makeup.

"Thank you!"

"Look I think that's him I'll text you. love you."

"Bye Royal." She said i laughed and grabbed my phone off the charger. Heading downstairs and opened the door.

"I was just about to call you and let you know I'm here." Bryson said

"I just had a hunch that you was here."

"You look absolutely stunning." He said licking his lips and admiring me.

"Thank you. Plus, you don't look to bad yourself." I  grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

We arrived at Olive Garden and had a whole section reserved for us.

"Well I'm glad I put on my best fit." I said chuckling and sitting down.

"I'm pretty sure anything you wear, you'd look beautiful in." Bryson said

"But you're the famous one." I said sipping my water

"Feel really bad that your friend or Mariah couldn't make it."

"It's fine all I have to do is bring her leftovers and she's fine."

"What about your friend?"

"She pretty much just wants me to put in a good word." I said



"That would be so nice. I haven't been in a relationship in a while."  He said

"Good, I think y'all would look really cute together." I said squealing

"Pig head ass." I frowned and then giggled, thanks for bringing me out I'm having a good time.

"I'm glad you are." He said placing the money on the table. "Ready?" I nodded my head and got up.

"How's life going?" He said opening the door.

"Well, my boyfriend is in basic training and I feel like I'm still a little kid. Trapped in an older woman body."

"How come?" He asked

"To start off... I'm still a virgin after all these years."

"There's nothing wrong with saving yourself Royal. If any man can't expect that, then he doesn't deserve you beautiful." He said looking me in my eyes.

"Uh.. yeah thanks but I should really get inside now." He chuckled

"Here at least let me walk you to your door." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Goodnight Royal." He said hugging me and walking away.

I went inside and kicked off my heels and poured me some wine.

"Damn baby, you look stressed." I turned around and saw Ryder.

"How'd you get in my house?" I said grabbing my phone.

"Princess, put the phone down and lets have a conversation." He said stepping closer to me.


"Put the damn phone down!" Ryder said smacking my phone and grabbing me.

"Let me GO!" I said kicking and screaming

"When I told you I you'd always come back! I really meant that shit." He kissed my neck and lips.

"Ryder, if you really had a heart... you wouldn't do this. I'll give you anything. Just please don't do this."

"I want you." He said sticking his hand up my dress. "Tonight we're gonna make love."

I did a silent prayer in my head.
I kicked him in the nuts and ran to the door.

"YOU BITCH!" He said grabbing me and hitting me. He unbuckled his pants and shoved himself roughly into me.

"Please stop it hurts." I felt a sharp pain across my face and cried.

Lord please help me. Sooner or later I closed my eyes.

"Royal, you left yo purse in the car..." Bryson said entering my house. "Yo Ro you good? What happened?"

"Please take me to the hospital." I said he picked me up and carried me to the car. I was In so much pain.

Why? What did I do to deserve this treatment. I closed my eyes again and drifted to sleep.

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