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(Excuse any mistakes, Mariah in MM)

Long ass bus ride to LA, but I was finally here. It Stilled looked the same. I got off the bus and saw some woman holding a sign, with my name on it. I walked over to the car and placed my bags in.

    "Ro Boat?" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw my dad with Zaxbys. I went and hugged him.

       "Dad, wow look at you with the beard and the beer gut." I laughed He handed me a plate. I saw chicken tenders, it was my favorite thing to get from Zaxbys.

      "Come on baby girl." He said. I got into the car. I ate my chicken tenders and texted Jasmine.

Jazzy - best friend you like LA? Gosh I miss you fat head.

      I smiled at the text I missed Jasmine too. I really shouldn't even be in LA right now.

   "Please be truthful, when I ask this." I said. My dad nodded his head. "Why did I move up here?"

      "Royal your mom couldn't simply provide for you anymore." He said looking nervously. Something still was fishy and it wasn't me. I can't even trust family and there the ones who are supposed to be there for you most.

      We pulled up to the house. Still looked the same except another car was there. I got out and went inside. I smelled food being cooked so I went into the kitchen and saw this young looking woman. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. Of fucking course.

          "Hello!" She said coming over to me. I smiled "I'm Ginger." She said extending her hand toward me.

     "You, probably already know my name but it's Royal." I said shaking her hand.

             "I heard so much about you pumpkin. I'm sorry about your mother too." I tensed up what the fuck did she mean.

             "Ginger!" My dad said coming into the house with bags and sat them down. I huffed and went upstairs with my bags. I went into my room and saw a girl on my bed. Damn daddy!

"Wassup b, I had a long as day you mind rolling off my bed and out of my room?" I asked

"Funny. No seriously who are you?" She asked standing up. Looked around the room and saw her stuff everywhere.

"It's Royal.. Sorry I see that your set up in here." I said she smiled.

"Hello Royal I'm Mariah." She said going and sitting back on the bed. I nodded my head and closed the door which room is mines?

"I see you've met my daughter." Ginger said from behind me making me jump. I held my chest. Damn bitch announce you presence.

    "Yeah, I have.. You know where I'm sleeping?" I asked she pointed to kings old room. Oh I should've known. I went there and all of my brothers things were gone. I started unpacking. Once I was done I laid back on the bed.

My phone vibrated from under me. Ryder was trying to FaceTime me. I clicked the answer.

"What's popping LA queen?" He asked smiling I chuckled.

"Shit. Nothing except my daddy's girlfriend and daughter." I said sitting up.

"Damn Ro, pops pimping like that?" Ryder said laughing. I smiled then got serious.

"That red button is waiting for me to press it." I said

"Baby nooo." My father came into the room.

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