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THE DOOR SWUNG Open. Ghostface dropped Quinn's body on to Anika.

"Oh my God!" Anastasia exclaimed.

Anika screamed seeing Quinn's dead body. Chad, Tara, and Lila all ran out the door. Anastasia got up and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a frying pan. When she came back Anika was pinned to the wall by Ghostface. Anastasia held the pan in both hands, swung it hitting Ghostface square in the head.

Ghostface fell to the ground, holding his head. Anastasia had both her legs on each side of Ghostface. Ghostface tilted his head at her. Anastasia looked over to the mirror. Roman nodded.

Anastasia looked over to Ghostface hitting him in the arm repeatedly with the frying pan. Ghostface kicked Anastasia from under her legs. Anastasia screamed dropping the pan to the side, falling to the ground. Sam hit Ghostface with the knife holder. Ghostface closed the door behind him.

Sam and Mindy grabbed Anastasia and Anika. Anastasia closed Quinn's bedroom door behind her. Anika and Mindy sat on Quinn's bed holding their wounds. Anastasia audibly gasped.

Sam looked at her "What?"

Anastasia pointed to the bathroom door.

Sam and Anastasia looked at Mindy "Bathroom door, hurry."

Mindy groaned.

"Wait." Anastasia whispered, going to the bathroom door.

Ghostface appeared at the door.

"Fucker!" Anastasia exclaimed, slamming the door on his arm.

Ghostface swung his knife in an attempt to open the door. Mindy tried to help Anastasia close the bathroom door. Sam came over and helped, locking the door. Sam and Anastasia pushed Quinn's dresser to the door. Mindy helped push the dresser.

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"HEY!" Danny yelled, trying to get their attention.

Sam ran over to Quinn's window, opening it. Danny grabbed his ladder.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sam asked.

"You have any better ideas?" Danny asked, handing the ladder to Sam. "What? No. Anya help me!" Sam exclaimed.

Anastasia went to the window grabbing the ladder with Sam.

"Anya, you go first." Sam said.

"You go, I'll go after you." Anastasia said.

Sam nodded and climbed onto the ladder. Once Sam got across Anastasia did it after.

"Come on, Anya!" Sam and Danny encouraged.

"Fuck!" Anastasia exclaimed, holding onto Sam.

Sam rubbed her back, helping her inside. Mindy and Anika shared a kiss before Mindy climbed onto the ladder.

"Anika!" Mindy yelled.

"She's right behind you. Come on!" Sam and Anastasia told Mindy.

Mindy made it across. Anika was next.

"I can't do it!" Anika cried.

Danny, Sam, Mindy, and Anastasia tried to say positive stuff. Ghostface appeared next to the window. Everyone went silent.

"What?" Anika cried.

"Anika, you have to hurry!" Anastasia exclaimed.

"Anika, you have to move right now!" Mindy yelled.

The four of them yelled for Anika to move. Ghostface looked over to Anastasia. Anastasia tilted her head, confused as to why he was looking at her. Ghostface shook his head then stabbed his knife into the window still. Anika started to cry as she moved a bit closer.

Ghostface grabbed the ladder and started to taunt Anika.

"No!" Anastasia yelled.

"Mindy, I don't want to die!" Anika exclaimed.

Anastasia tapped Danny on the shoulder.

Danny looked at her "What?"

"Grab her before she falls!" Anastasia exclaimed.

Danny nodded.

Anika looked over to Anastasia "Ana, help me!"

Anastasia looked at Danny then Anika "You're not gonna die, baby. Just keep moving."

Ghostface thrashed the ladder side to side then up and down.

Anastasia grabbed Anika's hand and yelled "Danny!"

Ghostface tilted the ladder to the side. Before Anika could fall Danny grabbed onto her. Anastasia and Mindy helped get Anika get inside the apartment. Anika cried holding onto the two girls. Anastasia looked over to Ghostface.

Ghostface stared at her then left the apartment. Anika held her side.

"Call 911!" Sam told Danny.

Danny left to call 911 for Anika.

Anastasia looked over to Anika then Sam "I can't believe this is happening again."

Sam sighed.

Sam sighed

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