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A WHITE LIGHT, that's all Anastasia could see. She looked around the room, forgetting where she was, then it hit her. She and Ethan were attacked by Ghostface.

"Anya?" Laurie asked, placing her hands on the metal bar.

Anastasia looked at Laurie and coughed, relieved to see the familiar face "Laur, you came?"

Laurie smiled, softly and nodded.

"Yeah, of course we did." Laurie responded, grabbing onto Anastasia's hands.

Anastasia tilted her head in confusion "We?"

Laurie nodded at her brother.

"Vince drove us, we're all part of the same fucked up family." Laurie replied, her eyes looking over to her older brother who was sleeping on the chair at the end of the bed.

Anastasia grabbed her pillow, tossing it at Vince's head. Vince jolted awake, looking around for the culprit who just woke him from his sleep.

"Hi, V." Anastasia waved, staring at the older Schneider sibling.

Vince looked at Anastasia, her bed missing the pillow.

"Why did you wake me up, kid?" Vince groaned, rubbing his eyes.

Anastasia looked at the pillow on the floor, biting her lip.

She looked at Vince and sighed "You looked too peaceful."

Vince stared at the younger girl and rolled his eyes "I drove for 3 hours, I think I deserve some sleep, kid."

Vince did look tired: his eyes had circles underneath, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a day. Anastasia sighed.

"Sorry, V." She looked at him then the younger Schneider sibling.

Laurie sat on the window still, looking around the room.

"Your mom is on the way, Chad, Anika, and Tara are with Ethan right now. Danny and Sam should be here soon. Stefan and Theresa have their last period then they'll be here." Laurie explained to Anastasia, looking outside then to her.

Anastasia rubbed her face and sighed.

"Ethan's alive?" Anastasia inquired, a smile forming across her face.

She was shocked by the news, considering the places he was stabbed.

"He barely made it, kid. He lost blood, so did you. You got some battle scars, kid. This is your fifth stab?" Vince asked, examining the woman in front of him.

Anastasia shook her head as if saying 'no.'

"I got shot in the left shoulder just above my heart, I got stabbed in my left hip by Richie, stabbed in my right hip by Amber, I got stabbed again in my left hip by Quinn. This fucker stabbed my stomach." Anastasia explained, pointing to each wound.

It was a bitch, but she's glad she made it out alive. Vince sighed, he knew what she was feeling.

"Your psycho ex-girlfriend got me in the back of the head, no stabs. This fucker stabbed me twice in the stomach." Vince explained, lifting up his shirt, his stitches and scars were visible.

Laurie frowned as she looked down at her older brother's wounds.

"I wanna see Ethan." Anastasia frowned, looking at Laurie and Vince. 

Laurie sighed as she looked at Anastasia, her facial expression changing to sadness.

"Let's just get you healed first." Laurie said, worry written all over her face.

Anastasia nodded and sighed.

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ANIKA CAME INTO Anastasia's room, looking over to Laurie.

"Is he asking about her, too?" Laurie chuckled.

Anika nodded, a smile forming on her face.

Anastasia sighed "Any more attacks?"

Laurie shook her head "3 dead, 3 injured."

"Did I miss anything?" Ethan asked, wheeling in.

Stefan and Theresa ran in out of breath.

"We tried to stop him." Stefan said, putting his hands on his knees, trying to regain his breath.

"Ethan, what are you doing out of your bed?" Anastasia questioned her boyfriend.

Ethan wheeled over to her and held her hand "I wanted to see you, baby."

Anastasia stared at her boyfriend "You were stabbed five times!"

"And yet, I'm still here, aren't I?" Ethan questioned, smirking.

Anastasia whacked him over the head.

"Ow!" Ethan whined, rubbing the back of his head.

Anastasia held his hand, stroking it softly.

"You guys are annoyingly adorable." Laurie and Tara said.

"Chad, a little help here." Ethan said, slowly getting up.

Chad got up and helped Ethan onto the bed. Anastasia scooted over and gently rested her head on his chest. Ethan stroked her hair, gently, placing a kiss on her head.

"I thought I lost you." Anastasia whispered, her bottom lip trembling.

"Never." Ethan whispered.

"We should probably leave them be." Laurie spoke up, standing up.

"Yeah, let's leave the love birds be." Theresa agreed, chuckling.

"Bye, guys." Anastasia said.

Everyone left the room. Anastasia sniffed and held onto Ethan.

Ethan looked down at her "Please, don't cry. I'm here, alive."

"E-ethan, what are we going to do? We have injuries, yours are worse than mine." Anastasia said, looking up at him.

Ethan wiped her tears, kissing her head "Don't worry about that right now, get some sleep, okay?"

"Will you stay here?" Anastasia asked.

"I'm not leaving your side, you know that. Get some sleep, you goofball." Ethan chuckled, kissing her head.

Anastasia nodded, closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Anastasia nodded, closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep

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